As it says in John 1:1-5, Jesus and the Word are one, He said to doubting Thomas in John 14:6, that, "He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. I think the order of the nouns in His statement is very significant. First of all, He is the Way. Only if you are in the Way can you know the Truth and experience the Life - all in Him, Christ Jesus. The Truth is the most priceless treasure you can obtain. Solomon, the wisest man ever to live, and will live, said in Proverbs 23:23 that we are to 'buy' the Truth and don't 'sell' it or compromise it for our gain.
In this world of greyness, compromising, rationalization and half truths, it is hard to find a "straight shooter," someone who is searches for the Truth and then lives by it. What is Truth? In John 17:17, when Jesus was praying for us in His 'High Priestly Prayer', He said, "Your Word is Truth." All truth in this world comes from the character of Jesus, no compromising, no greyness, no rationalization nor half-truths. There is not such a thing as 'half-truth'. As they vow in court, "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Everything from Christ was straight-forward, honest, pure in motive and complete. The Truth is not up for interpretation and change. If it could be compromised in any way, it would not be Truth. Webster's definition of truth is, "constancy,genuiness." There is no pretense, play acting or facade in truth. It is 'always' the same - from the front to the back, inside and out, up and down.
We must always think, speak and act out the truth. When Satan puts doubtful, fearful and deceitful thoughts in our minds we must practice taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (II Cor.10:5). As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Prov.23:7). You become what you think and meditate on - truth or falsehood.
Are you a Truth Seeker, walking in the Light, or are you willing to compromise the Truth for momentary gratification? By choosing Truth you are choosing Light and Life!