Of all the heroes of faith in the entire Bible, I believe Joseph and Daniel are my two favorites. In the most dire circumstances, even facing death, they chose to believe in their God, Who they trusted to be all knowing (El Roi), ever present (Jehovah Shammah), all powerful (El Shadai), and all loving. Because they trusted in the God Who they knew had His eyes on them and knew all about their circumstances; Who had been, was and would be always with them, even in captivity and prison; Who was able to save and deliver completely and Who loved them unconditionally (even when they failed).
Although Daniel was a captive in a strange land, God gave him favor with those attending him. And by putting his life in danger, "Daniel purposed (determined) in his heart that he would not defile himself....." with the things with which his captors enticed him (Dan.1:8a). He stood in his faith in El Shadai, Whom he knew would not fail him. Daniel was determined to stand for his God, Jehovah Tsidkenu, "Our righteousness." Daniel knew that standing in God's righteousness, whether he lived or died, he would always be a winner (Dan.3:17,18). So Daniel "put on God's full armor, that he would be able to resist and stand his ground on the evil day, and having done all the crisis demands, to stand firmly in his place (of faith)." (Eph.6:13).
Daniel's determined purpose was to keep the faith, (as Paul said in II Tim.4:7), and stay "uncontaminated from the world" (James 1:27).
Joseph was another example of a victor when his faith was under fire. His story starts in Genesis 37:2 and ends in Gen.50:26. It is a story of being rejected, hated and sold into slavery by his very own brothers; having favor with his master; being falsely accused, being forgotten by friends; being restored to an honored place; being the "savior" of His family and the people of Egypt; being restored to his father and family; receiving the blessings of his father and he died in honor. Through it all he purposed to serve Jehovah God (El Shadai) regardless of the circumstances or tribulations because he knew his God, Elohim, was strong, faithful and kept His promises. His life's experiences proved that because he believed in Jehovah God, He was able to keep that which he had committed to Him until that day (II Tim.1:12). Joseph died a victor over his circumstances because he believed in a God Who was able to deliver him!
Both Daniel and Joseph proved that trusting in the God Who "by His power was able to carry out His purpose; to do super-abundantly far over and above all they could dare to ask or imagine; infinitely beyond their highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams" (Eph.3:20 Amp.)! God can and will do the same for us if we only believe and trust Him, Purpose to stand for right and keep the faith! OUR GOD IS ABLE TO DELIVER US!!
(George Duffield)
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone.
The arm of flesh will fail you, you dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer.
Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Protocol To Come Before The King
I, a commoner, have never had the honor to come before the king of any nation, but I have read that there is a protocol to do this. First, I have to have an invitation.
There are many invitations extended to "who-so-ever-will" - that means all of us get an invitation. The most famous verse in the whole Bible tells us why God is offering this invitation, to whom it is sent and the wonderful reward that is received, if this invitation is accepted. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (Jn.3"16).
Then we have to answer the question, "Why come?" John 1:29 gives us the most wonderful reason to come to Jesus, "There is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world." Everyone in this world is born with a fatal "disease" - sin. It will eventually kill us if you don't get it eradicated. Jesus came take it out of our hearts and give us a new heart, new hope and a new life - but only by trusting Him to do it. Phillip in the 46th verse invited Nathanael to, "come and see," and the Samaritan woman went into her village and said, "Come and see a man who has told me everything that I ever did," We too have an invitation in Isa.55:1, from the Holy Spirit to "Wait and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters, and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come and buy spiritual wine and milk without money and without price, simply for the self surrender that receives the blessing." The Psalmist invites us to "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps.34:8). Are these not sufficient reasons to come to the One Who can save us to the uttermost, for all time (Heb.7:19); to give us eternal life; has all the answers; fills our spiritual hunger and thirst; keep us from falling and to present us blameless before the presence of the one and only God (Jude 1:24, 25); and to experience all of His goodness? We can boldly come and not be in fear of being rejected (Jn.6:37). We can have a hope in which we now can come close to the God of the universe(Heb.7:19)! One would be a fool not to believe there is such a God (Ps.14:1)!
Next I have to be eligible -
1) Permission and convicts - The Spirit convicts and draws - "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come; no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by the Father" (Jn.6:44,65). So when the Spirit is drawing you, that is the time to come to Jesus.
2)Thirsty - "If any man is thirsty let him come to Me and drink" (Jn.7:37), because He is the Living Water and whoever drinks of Jesus will become a spring of water welling up within him unto eternal life." (Jn.4:10,14). It is the Holy Spirit Who creates spiritual thirst within us. You have heard the old addage, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." The secret to get the horse to drink is to give him a cake of salt to lick. The salt creates a thirst within the 'old grey mare' and she will run to the water - her will has been convinced. This is the same principle, spiritually. A person may not know or think he is thirsty for Christ, the Living Water, or is not willing (Jn.5:40), but when the Holy Spirit (the Salt) finishes His convincing (convicting) work, the person runs to the Living Water. Their will and their desires have been changed (converted). There is a unique quality about this 'Living Water' - It fills and satisfies the one who comes, but because of the indwelling Holy Spirit (salt) our thirst for more of Him is perpetuated and we move from one filling to another, the we are thirsty again for more. We drink deeply from Living Water Who is also the Word, prayer and communion with Him. We don't ever get enough. We may go through dry times when we don't have a lot of thirst for this Living Water - (the cares of this world and the pride of life have drained us of our satisfaction with our Living Water),so we have to go back to where we stopped asking to be continually filled with His Spirit. That is the only place we will remain satisfied and are eligible to come to the Throne of Grace.
3)Confessing that we are sinners - (I Jn.1:9, I Tim.1:15). We have to recognize that we are not worthy to come into the presence of the Living God, our Savior, Jesus, and that we do not have clean hands and a pure heart, so we confess our sins -failures, transgressions and shortcomings. Having clean hands and a pure heart makes us eligible to come before the throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So the protocol to come before King Jesus is: 1)to believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb.11:6); 2)to accept the invitation that has been extended (believing and trusting Jesus as Savior); 3)to understand the necessity of coming (that we are sinners in need of a Savior). By doing all of these things makes us eligible!
Jesus, thank You for inviting us to "come boldly before the throne of grace to help in good time for every need, that we may receive mercy for our failures" (Heb.4:16).
There are many invitations extended to "who-so-ever-will" - that means all of us get an invitation. The most famous verse in the whole Bible tells us why God is offering this invitation, to whom it is sent and the wonderful reward that is received, if this invitation is accepted. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (Jn.3"16).
Then we have to answer the question, "Why come?" John 1:29 gives us the most wonderful reason to come to Jesus, "There is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world." Everyone in this world is born with a fatal "disease" - sin. It will eventually kill us if you don't get it eradicated. Jesus came take it out of our hearts and give us a new heart, new hope and a new life - but only by trusting Him to do it. Phillip in the 46th verse invited Nathanael to, "come and see," and the Samaritan woman went into her village and said, "Come and see a man who has told me everything that I ever did," We too have an invitation in Isa.55:1, from the Holy Spirit to "Wait and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters, and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come and buy spiritual wine and milk without money and without price, simply for the self surrender that receives the blessing." The Psalmist invites us to "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps.34:8). Are these not sufficient reasons to come to the One Who can save us to the uttermost, for all time (Heb.7:19); to give us eternal life; has all the answers; fills our spiritual hunger and thirst; keep us from falling and to present us blameless before the presence of the one and only God (Jude 1:24, 25); and to experience all of His goodness? We can boldly come and not be in fear of being rejected (Jn.6:37). We can have a hope in which we now can come close to the God of the universe(Heb.7:19)! One would be a fool not to believe there is such a God (Ps.14:1)!
Next I have to be eligible -
1) Permission and convicts - The Spirit convicts and draws - "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come; no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by the Father" (Jn.6:44,65). So when the Spirit is drawing you, that is the time to come to Jesus.
2)Thirsty - "If any man is thirsty let him come to Me and drink" (Jn.7:37), because He is the Living Water and whoever drinks of Jesus will become a spring of water welling up within him unto eternal life." (Jn.4:10,14). It is the Holy Spirit Who creates spiritual thirst within us. You have heard the old addage, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." The secret to get the horse to drink is to give him a cake of salt to lick. The salt creates a thirst within the 'old grey mare' and she will run to the water - her will has been convinced. This is the same principle, spiritually. A person may not know or think he is thirsty for Christ, the Living Water, or is not willing (Jn.5:40), but when the Holy Spirit (the Salt) finishes His convincing (convicting) work, the person runs to the Living Water. Their will and their desires have been changed (converted). There is a unique quality about this 'Living Water' - It fills and satisfies the one who comes, but because of the indwelling Holy Spirit (salt) our thirst for more of Him is perpetuated and we move from one filling to another, the we are thirsty again for more. We drink deeply from Living Water Who is also the Word, prayer and communion with Him. We don't ever get enough. We may go through dry times when we don't have a lot of thirst for this Living Water - (the cares of this world and the pride of life have drained us of our satisfaction with our Living Water),so we have to go back to where we stopped asking to be continually filled with His Spirit. That is the only place we will remain satisfied and are eligible to come to the Throne of Grace.
3)Confessing that we are sinners - (I Jn.1:9, I Tim.1:15). We have to recognize that we are not worthy to come into the presence of the Living God, our Savior, Jesus, and that we do not have clean hands and a pure heart, so we confess our sins -failures, transgressions and shortcomings. Having clean hands and a pure heart makes us eligible to come before the throne of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So the protocol to come before King Jesus is: 1)to believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb.11:6); 2)to accept the invitation that has been extended (believing and trusting Jesus as Savior); 3)to understand the necessity of coming (that we are sinners in need of a Savior). By doing all of these things makes us eligible!
Jesus, thank You for inviting us to "come boldly before the throne of grace to help in good time for every need, that we may receive mercy for our failures" (Heb.4:16).
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Stand Still
"Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God." (Job 37:14)
It is hard for me to physically "stand still." From the time I get up in the morning I plan my day, trying to prioritize my time and activities and asking God to guide me in my plans that they will be His plans, in His priority. Then I work my plan. Sometimes I don't complete all my plans but at least I have planned and the most important things have been done. There is always tomorrow to finish today's unfinished, low priority plans.
For many years the first priority of my day has been to emotionally and spiritually "stand still." I look out the five windows of my bedroom at God's wondrous "works" of nature. I take time to meditate on His Word (hiding His promises in my heart). Sometimes one word or one phrase will seem to jump out at me, so I stop and think on it, I “consider” it. I may have a question about it so I ask the Lord to open my understanding of it. I go to my Bible study helps, reading the Hebrew or Greek meaning/s and He never fails to give me new or renewed understanding. Reading, studying and meditating on the Word is what I love to do most of all and it brings great joy!
Then I pour my heart out to Him in prayer - all of my praises, thanksgivings for all He has done and will do (“His wondrous works”), concerns in life, confessions, intercessions and just adoring Him for Who He is and His love for me. A lot of my prayer time is before I even get out of bed. My heart and mind is still uncluttered from anything of my new day. This time of “standing still" is the most precious and beneficial time of my entire day. Try it, you'll like it!
God tells us in Ps.46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” This time of quietness before God is the time He reveals Himself to us. We can’t get to know Him when our mind or body is racing here and there trying to accomplish something we think is more important that getting to know the heart of the Father. The rest of verse 10 and verse 11 tells us some of Who He is: 1) He is the One Who will be exalted among the nations; 2) Jehovah Saboath (“the Lord of hosts) is with us; 3) He is the God of Jacob Who is our Refuge, our strong tower and stronghold. Just “stand still” and think about that!!
Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord;
Abide in Him always and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God's children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.
Take time to be holy, Let Him be your guide,
And run not before Him, whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow still follow the Lord,
And looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word.
Take time to be holy, Be calm in your soul -
Each thought and each motive beneath His control.
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
You soon will be fitted for service above.
It is hard for me to physically "stand still." From the time I get up in the morning I plan my day, trying to prioritize my time and activities and asking God to guide me in my plans that they will be His plans, in His priority. Then I work my plan. Sometimes I don't complete all my plans but at least I have planned and the most important things have been done. There is always tomorrow to finish today's unfinished, low priority plans.
For many years the first priority of my day has been to emotionally and spiritually "stand still." I look out the five windows of my bedroom at God's wondrous "works" of nature. I take time to meditate on His Word (hiding His promises in my heart). Sometimes one word or one phrase will seem to jump out at me, so I stop and think on it, I “consider” it. I may have a question about it so I ask the Lord to open my understanding of it. I go to my Bible study helps, reading the Hebrew or Greek meaning/s and He never fails to give me new or renewed understanding. Reading, studying and meditating on the Word is what I love to do most of all and it brings great joy!
Then I pour my heart out to Him in prayer - all of my praises, thanksgivings for all He has done and will do (“His wondrous works”), concerns in life, confessions, intercessions and just adoring Him for Who He is and His love for me. A lot of my prayer time is before I even get out of bed. My heart and mind is still uncluttered from anything of my new day. This time of “standing still" is the most precious and beneficial time of my entire day. Try it, you'll like it!
God tells us in Ps.46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” This time of quietness before God is the time He reveals Himself to us. We can’t get to know Him when our mind or body is racing here and there trying to accomplish something we think is more important that getting to know the heart of the Father. The rest of verse 10 and verse 11 tells us some of Who He is: 1) He is the One Who will be exalted among the nations; 2) Jehovah Saboath (“the Lord of hosts) is with us; 3) He is the God of Jacob Who is our Refuge, our strong tower and stronghold. Just “stand still” and think about that!!
Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord;
Abide in Him always and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God's children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.
Take time to be holy, Let Him be your guide,
And run not before Him, whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow still follow the Lord,
And looking to Jesus, still trust in His Word.
Take time to be holy, Be calm in your soul -
Each thought and each motive beneath His control.
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
You soon will be fitted for service above.
Monday, March 21, 2011
From Fear, To Faith, To Victory, To Praise
In Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You? (II Chr. 20:6)
This is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. It shows the faithfulness of God to His people (that includes us), when we cry out to Him in our distress. Jehoshaphat was a mighty king of Judah but he feared the enemy (v.3). He was human - vulnerable, weak and helpless, as we are, but he "determinedly set himself to seek God" (v.3), along with all of Judah (v.4). King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast and he and all of Judah came together to pray - and what a prayer that was (vs.6-12)!
In his prayer Jehoshaphat reminded Jehovah God of His sovereignty (4.6), of His mighty power to deliver (Vs.7-12); of Judah’s weakness, but trusting only in God Almighty (vs.12-13). The Spirit of the Lord came to Judah to encourage, instruct and to assure them that “the battle was the Lord’s and that He would be with them” (vs.14-17). Jehoshaphat and all of Judah worshipped and then obeyed (vs. 18-19). Jehoshaphat then told them to believe God and He would prosper them (v.20). The principles are the same for us today – trust and obey. II Cor.2:14 puts it very well, “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always Leads us in triumph (as trophies of Christ’s victory).”
It is quite interesting to see that before they went out to face the enemy Jehoshaphat organized a praise choir who sang, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy and loving-kindness endures forever!” (v.21). Thanksgiving before, “in” and after the fight is always the right time (I Thess.5:18; Eph.5:20), and “for” all things is the faith-filled praise to our Father who always causes all things to work out for our good, if we trust Him (Rom.8:28).
The rest is “His story” – The Lord God went before them and caused the enemy to slaughter each other (vs.22-25)! Once again the people praised and rejoiced at the victory of the Lord (and rightly so). (vs. 26-28)!
…..And they lived in peace. (vs. 29-30)- (The end of that story).
....But it should be the beginning of our story as we follow the same principles of victory!
From Fear of the enemy, to Faith in God, to Victory, then Praise. Victory in Jesus should always bring praise and thanksgiving for God’s mighty acts on behalf in answer to our prayers and obedience. This is the recipe for an over-coming life!
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
Lidie H. Edmunds
My faith has found a resting place – Not in device nor creed;
I trust the Everliving One – His wounds for me shall plead.
Enough for me that Jesus saves – this ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him – He’ll never cast me out.
My heart is leaning on the Word – the written Word of God;
Salvation by my Savior’s name – Salvation through His blood.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me.
This is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. It shows the faithfulness of God to His people (that includes us), when we cry out to Him in our distress. Jehoshaphat was a mighty king of Judah but he feared the enemy (v.3). He was human - vulnerable, weak and helpless, as we are, but he "determinedly set himself to seek God" (v.3), along with all of Judah (v.4). King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast and he and all of Judah came together to pray - and what a prayer that was (vs.6-12)!
In his prayer Jehoshaphat reminded Jehovah God of His sovereignty (4.6), of His mighty power to deliver (Vs.7-12); of Judah’s weakness, but trusting only in God Almighty (vs.12-13). The Spirit of the Lord came to Judah to encourage, instruct and to assure them that “the battle was the Lord’s and that He would be with them” (vs.14-17). Jehoshaphat and all of Judah worshipped and then obeyed (vs. 18-19). Jehoshaphat then told them to believe God and He would prosper them (v.20). The principles are the same for us today – trust and obey. II Cor.2:14 puts it very well, “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always Leads us in triumph (as trophies of Christ’s victory).”
It is quite interesting to see that before they went out to face the enemy Jehoshaphat organized a praise choir who sang, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy and loving-kindness endures forever!” (v.21). Thanksgiving before, “in” and after the fight is always the right time (I Thess.5:18; Eph.5:20), and “for” all things is the faith-filled praise to our Father who always causes all things to work out for our good, if we trust Him (Rom.8:28).
The rest is “His story” – The Lord God went before them and caused the enemy to slaughter each other (vs.22-25)! Once again the people praised and rejoiced at the victory of the Lord (and rightly so). (vs. 26-28)!
…..And they lived in peace. (vs. 29-30)- (The end of that story).
....But it should be the beginning of our story as we follow the same principles of victory!
From Fear of the enemy, to Faith in God, to Victory, then Praise. Victory in Jesus should always bring praise and thanksgiving for God’s mighty acts on behalf in answer to our prayers and obedience. This is the recipe for an over-coming life!
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
Lidie H. Edmunds
My faith has found a resting place – Not in device nor creed;
I trust the Everliving One – His wounds for me shall plead.
Enough for me that Jesus saves – this ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him – He’ll never cast me out.
My heart is leaning on the Word – the written Word of God;
Salvation by my Savior’s name – Salvation through His blood.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Lifeguard Is "A Rock"
“I came that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
Have you ever thought of Jesus as our “lifeguard” – we are the ones drowning and He is the one saving (Savior). "Lifeguard" is a common, current title, but one we understand and to which we can relate. Our lives are filled with needs, (sometimes overwhelming) – daily food, clothing and shelter; daily forgiveness; love and acceptance. Sometimes we feel as if we are drowning in our needs (circumstances). Then is when we must remember that God is our Savior, spirit, soul and body. He saves our spirit instantly, our soul progressively and our body ultimately. That is why He came - to save us - and to not just keep our heads above water but to provide our needs, spirit, soul and body, so we can experience life more abundantly, but we must call on Him. In Rom. 10:13, He tells us that, "Whosoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." That name is "Jesus" (Savior).
A drowning person loses all his pride and desperately calls for help. Jesus (Savior, Lifeguard) will save us from ourselves and all our problems and distresses. In II Cor.12:9,10, Paul is speaking of his continuing distress. Ours may or may not be a lingering "distress" but the Lord will still deliver us through them so we do not drown in them. "His strength is enough and shows to be perfect in our weaknesses - His favor, loving-kindness and mercy is sufficient."
He is our Rock, Deliverer, Fortress, firm strength, Shield, Salvation and High Tower (Ps.18:2). God knows all about us, better than we know ourselves, and He knows what is best for us. If we will call on Him He will draw us out of our “pit” takes us in His arms and carries us to a Rock that is higher than we are (Ps.61:2). He steadies our feet on the Rock, Christ Jesus, (I Cor.10:4). If we will stay on the Rock, He will provide for our every need (Phil.4:19).
Here is an old song we used to sing with this wonderful message in it.
He Brought Me Out
My heart was distressed ‘neath Jehovah’s dread frown,
And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down;
I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay,
Who tenderly brought me out to golden day.
He placed me upon the strong Rock by His side,
My steps were established and here I’ll abide;
No danger of falling while here I remain,
But stand by His grace until the crown I gain.
He gave me a song, ‘twas a new song of praise,
By day and by night its sweet notes I will raise;
My heart’s overflowing, I’m happy and free,
I’ll praise my redeemer, Who has rescued me.
I’ll sing of his wonderful mercy to me,
I’ll praise Him till all men His goodness shall see;
I’ll sing of salvation at home and abroad,
Till many shall hear the Truth and trust in God.
He brought me out of the miry clay,
He set my feet on the Rock to stay;
He puts a song in my soul today,
A song of praise, Hallelujah!
Posted by Light From My Window at 6:21 PM
Labels: The Rock
Blog – The Lifeguard
Have you ever thought of Jesus as our “lifeguard” – we are the ones drowning and He is the one saving (Savior). "Lifeguard" is a common, current title, but one we understand and to which we can relate. Our lives are filled with needs, (sometimes overwhelming) – daily food, clothing and shelter; daily forgiveness; love and acceptance. Sometimes we feel as if we are drowning in our needs (circumstances). Then is when we must remember that God is our Savior, spirit, soul and body. He saves our spirit instantly, our soul progressively and our body ultimately. That is why He came - to save us - and to not just keep our heads above water but to provide our needs, spirit, soul and body, so we can experience life more abundantly, but we must call on Him. In Rom. 10:13, He tells us that, "Whosoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." That name is "Jesus" (Savior).
A drowning person loses all his pride and desperately calls for help. Jesus (Savior, Lifeguard) will save us from ourselves and all our problems and distresses. In II Cor.12:9,10, Paul is speaking of his continuing distress. Ours may or may not be a lingering "distress" but the Lord will still deliver us through them so we do not drown in them. "His strength is enough and shows to be perfect in our weaknesses - His favor, loving-kindness and mercy is sufficient."
He is our Rock, Deliverer, Fortress, firm strength, Shield, Salvation and High Tower (Ps.18:2). God knows all about us, better than we know ourselves, and He knows what is best for us. If we will call on Him He will draw us out of our “pit” takes us in His arms and carries us to a Rock that is higher than we are (Ps.61:2). He steadies our feet on the Rock, Christ Jesus, (I Cor.10:4). If we will stay on the Rock, He will provide for our every need (Phil.4:19).
Here is an old song we used to sing with this wonderful message in it.
He Brought Me Out
My heart was distressed ‘neath Jehovah’s dread frown,
And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down;
I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay,
Who tenderly brought me out to golden day.
He placed me upon the strong Rock by His side,
My steps were established and here I’ll abide;
No danger of falling while here I remain,
But stand by His grace until the crown I gain.
He gave me a song, ‘twas a new song of praise,
By day and by night its sweet notes I will raise;
My heart’s overflowing, I’m happy and free,
I’ll praise my redeemer, Who has rescued me.
I’ll sing of his wonderful mercy to me,
I’ll praise Him till all men His goodness shall see;
I’ll sing of salvation at home and abroad,
Till many shall hear the Truth and trust in God.
He brought me out of the miry clay,
He set my feet on the Rock to stay;
He puts a song in my soul today,
A song of praise, Hallelujah!
Posted by Light From My Window at 6:21 PM
Labels: The Rock
Blog – The Lifeguard
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Awesome God
“Come and see the works of God, He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.” (Psalm 66:5)
In today’s jargon anything you like is “awesome.” Webster’s definition of ‘awe’ is, “Profound and reverent fear inspired by Deity.” Therefore, to say a movie, an outfit, a food, a hero, or a person, etc. is ‘awesome’ is a misnomer. Nothing or no one is awesome. God and His holiness, instead of being awesome, have become commonplace, even to the point of using His name as a by-word or in cursing. In Ex.20:7, the third Commandment tells us, “You shall not use or repeat the name of the Lord your God in vain, (that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely; for the Lord will hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.) It always hurts my heart to hear an unbeliever curse using God’s name to damn people and things; or just as an empty curse word. But it especially grieves me to hear a believer use God’s name so frivolously as in, “Lordy, Lordy,” or “Oh, my Lord,” or “Oh, my God.” I am always tempted to ask them if they are calling on the Lord for help. For a believer to so quickly forget the awesomeness of God’s work in his life, to use His name as a by-word or without meaning, hurts my heart, how much more must it hurt the heart of God?
Even in Old Testament times, Yahweh (their name for the One and Only God), they felt was so holy they would not say His name but would just say, “the Name.” In some translations you will see “Name” with the ‘N’ capitalized. They are referring to Yahweh – the great “I Am.” How can we desecrate His wonderful name by using it as a slang word? God Forbid!! God does forbid (Duet.5:11)!!
Can you believe that God is so awesome in His forgiveness when we fail so much; in His blessings when we are so undeserving; in His everlasting mercy when we are so self-willed; in His protection when we are so helpless; in his guidance when we are so ignorant; in His encouragement when we are so fearful; in His comfort when we are so grieved; in his provision when we are so needy - and all in His awesome, incomprehensible love? I believe and accept with much gratitude and love returned. Praise be to the awesome Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
In today’s jargon anything you like is “awesome.” Webster’s definition of ‘awe’ is, “Profound and reverent fear inspired by Deity.” Therefore, to say a movie, an outfit, a food, a hero, or a person, etc. is ‘awesome’ is a misnomer. Nothing or no one is awesome. God and His holiness, instead of being awesome, have become commonplace, even to the point of using His name as a by-word or in cursing. In Ex.20:7, the third Commandment tells us, “You shall not use or repeat the name of the Lord your God in vain, (that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely; for the Lord will hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.) It always hurts my heart to hear an unbeliever curse using God’s name to damn people and things; or just as an empty curse word. But it especially grieves me to hear a believer use God’s name so frivolously as in, “Lordy, Lordy,” or “Oh, my Lord,” or “Oh, my God.” I am always tempted to ask them if they are calling on the Lord for help. For a believer to so quickly forget the awesomeness of God’s work in his life, to use His name as a by-word or without meaning, hurts my heart, how much more must it hurt the heart of God?
Even in Old Testament times, Yahweh (their name for the One and Only God), they felt was so holy they would not say His name but would just say, “the Name.” In some translations you will see “Name” with the ‘N’ capitalized. They are referring to Yahweh – the great “I Am.” How can we desecrate His wonderful name by using it as a slang word? God Forbid!! God does forbid (Duet.5:11)!!
Can you believe that God is so awesome in His forgiveness when we fail so much; in His blessings when we are so undeserving; in His everlasting mercy when we are so self-willed; in His protection when we are so helpless; in his guidance when we are so ignorant; in His encouragement when we are so fearful; in His comfort when we are so grieved; in his provision when we are so needy - and all in His awesome, incomprehensible love? I believe and accept with much gratitude and love returned. Praise be to the awesome Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Golden Strand
Obedience is the 'golden strand' that runs from Genesis through Revelations. In Genesis God expected obedience from Adam and Eve, but they failed. Their disobedience demonstrated their lack of faith in the One who was their creator, their friend, their provider and their God. Their trust was in Satan who lied to them about God. They succumbed to the temptation and lost everything. If they really loved God and had faith in Him, they would have obeyed Him. In John 14:15 Jesus told His disciples, "If you really love me, you will keep my commandments."
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. In Genesis it says that Noah walked in constant fellowship with God. God looked on the degenerate mankind and decided He would destroy them all, except Noah and His family. So, God told Noah to build an ark so he could be saved from the flood that He would send upon the whole earth. The majority and popular opinion was to scoff at Noah and at God and His command.Noah obeyed and he and his family were saved. I heard a saying that is very true, "What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular."
The Lord told Abram to leave his country and people and go to where He directed. Abram obeyed and his faith was counted to him for righteousness.
In Exodus God instructed Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. He went through many testings (and failed some of them), but God was patient. When Moses decided to trust in and obey El Shaddai, God Almighty, God rewarded his faith with many signs and miracles on the way from Egyptian bondage to freedom and a land of their own - all because of Moses' faith, which was exhibited by obedience. Moses didn't get to enter the Promise Land because he disobeyed when he struck the rock and God had told him to speak to it. All of the Children of Israel's curses happened because they did not obey God. They murmured (doubted), instead of praising and obeying. Faith and obedience always brings praise to our hearts. There cannot be true faith without obedience following, as it says in James 2:14-26.
In Deuteronomy 28, God gave instructions to His people, and people of all time, that if they obeyed Him, they would be greatly blessed, but if they didn't, they would be cursed. Some obeyed and were blessed, some disobeyed and were cursed. The same is still true today with all people - love+faith+obedience=blessing; disobedience= curses.
In Mark 16, Jesus was giving some of His last instructions before returning to heaven. In the sixteenth verse He said, "He who has true faith in me, and is baptized, will be saved, but he who does not believe and obey will be condemned."
In the scriptures "leaven" stands for "sin." It takes just a small amount of leaven to ferment the whole loaf of bread (I Cor.5:6). Likewise, just a small disobedience can affect all areas of our lives. Our lives are made up of small decisions and details. So we must determine and plan to be intentional in our obedience. Plan to obey, not fail. In I Samuel:32, Samuel told Saul, after his disobeying God's command not to spare the enemy or his animals, "To obey is better than sacrifice."
We have no excuse for our disobedience, not even ignorance. You dispell ignorance with knowledge (of God's Word). Read It, learn It, know It and "hide It in your heart so you won't sin against God" (Ps.119:11).
In John 14:15, Jesus told His disciples, "If you truly love me you will keep my commandments." If we practice disobedience we do not truly love the Father, (I Jn.5:1-3).
I could name multiplied ones who believed God, obeyed Him and received great blessings. The same is true today. True faith will always result in obedience. Rom. 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God." What is not said in this scripture, but "understood," is that the hearing must be mixed with faith - believing what you hear to the point of acting on it as is stated in James 1:22. By being "doers" of the Word means to obey what we hear. To obey the Word proves our faith, as James talks about in the second chapter. If we don't obey and act on what we have "heard," our faith never took root and is dead. Hearing has to be experienced, not just with our ears but it must involve our heart.(Eze.3:10). We must receive it with our will, emotions and intellect (understanding).
In John 3:16, it tells us that whosoever will believe (have faith) in Jesus will have eternal life. Believing in Jesus is a choice and then we are adopted into the family of God - what an eternal blessing! By believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth, you are acting on your faith. We can know we are one of God's children by obeying Him and experience His wonderful blessings (I Jn.5:1-5; 11-15).
Although the words "obey" or "obedience" is not in the book of Revelation, it is understood that it is a book of judgment for the disobedient but rewards for the obedient.
Today choose who you will obey (Josh.24:15)!
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. In Genesis it says that Noah walked in constant fellowship with God. God looked on the degenerate mankind and decided He would destroy them all, except Noah and His family. So, God told Noah to build an ark so he could be saved from the flood that He would send upon the whole earth. The majority and popular opinion was to scoff at Noah and at God and His command.Noah obeyed and he and his family were saved. I heard a saying that is very true, "What is popular is not always right; what is right is not always popular."
The Lord told Abram to leave his country and people and go to where He directed. Abram obeyed and his faith was counted to him for righteousness.
In Exodus God instructed Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. He went through many testings (and failed some of them), but God was patient. When Moses decided to trust in and obey El Shaddai, God Almighty, God rewarded his faith with many signs and miracles on the way from Egyptian bondage to freedom and a land of their own - all because of Moses' faith, which was exhibited by obedience. Moses didn't get to enter the Promise Land because he disobeyed when he struck the rock and God had told him to speak to it. All of the Children of Israel's curses happened because they did not obey God. They murmured (doubted), instead of praising and obeying. Faith and obedience always brings praise to our hearts. There cannot be true faith without obedience following, as it says in James 2:14-26.
In Deuteronomy 28, God gave instructions to His people, and people of all time, that if they obeyed Him, they would be greatly blessed, but if they didn't, they would be cursed. Some obeyed and were blessed, some disobeyed and were cursed. The same is still true today with all people - love+faith+obedience=blessing; disobedience= curses.
In Mark 16, Jesus was giving some of His last instructions before returning to heaven. In the sixteenth verse He said, "He who has true faith in me, and is baptized, will be saved, but he who does not believe and obey will be condemned."
In the scriptures "leaven" stands for "sin." It takes just a small amount of leaven to ferment the whole loaf of bread (I Cor.5:6). Likewise, just a small disobedience can affect all areas of our lives. Our lives are made up of small decisions and details. So we must determine and plan to be intentional in our obedience. Plan to obey, not fail. In I Samuel:32, Samuel told Saul, after his disobeying God's command not to spare the enemy or his animals, "To obey is better than sacrifice."
We have no excuse for our disobedience, not even ignorance. You dispell ignorance with knowledge (of God's Word). Read It, learn It, know It and "hide It in your heart so you won't sin against God" (Ps.119:11).
In John 14:15, Jesus told His disciples, "If you truly love me you will keep my commandments." If we practice disobedience we do not truly love the Father, (I Jn.5:1-3).
I could name multiplied ones who believed God, obeyed Him and received great blessings. The same is true today. True faith will always result in obedience. Rom. 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God." What is not said in this scripture, but "understood," is that the hearing must be mixed with faith - believing what you hear to the point of acting on it as is stated in James 1:22. By being "doers" of the Word means to obey what we hear. To obey the Word proves our faith, as James talks about in the second chapter. If we don't obey and act on what we have "heard," our faith never took root and is dead. Hearing has to be experienced, not just with our ears but it must involve our heart.(Eze.3:10). We must receive it with our will, emotions and intellect (understanding).
In John 3:16, it tells us that whosoever will believe (have faith) in Jesus will have eternal life. Believing in Jesus is a choice and then we are adopted into the family of God - what an eternal blessing! By believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth, you are acting on your faith. We can know we are one of God's children by obeying Him and experience His wonderful blessings (I Jn.5:1-5; 11-15).
Although the words "obey" or "obedience" is not in the book of Revelation, it is understood that it is a book of judgment for the disobedient but rewards for the obedient.
Today choose who you will obey (Josh.24:15)!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Blessed Be the Name/s
I have always loved to study the names of God. Learning their meaning is so faith building and you get to know our God and all His attributes. One of those scripture "sugar cookies" was part of my devotional reading a few days ago. I was reading from the Amplified Bible, Isaiah 54:5 which says, "For your maker (Adonai, creator), is your Husband, (Adonai - Lord), - the Lord of hosts (Sabbaoth - Josh.5:14-15) is His name; and the "Holy One of Israel" is your Redeemer (Jehovah - God's redemptive name), the "God of the whole earth"- (Adonai - Sovereign)He is called.
Adonai is our creator, our Lord and Sovereign of all of the universe. Jehovah (Jesus),is our righteous, one and only Redeemer. Not only is Jesus our Creator, Sovereign Lord, but He is the Sovereign over all of His armies - He is Sabbaoth, Lord of hosts. He leads and directs his armies to fight against His children's enemies, Satan, and his demons, who has come to steal, kill and destroy us (Jn.10:10). "If God be for us who can be against us(Rom.8:31)?"
All the major prophets had a lot to say about Jehovah Sabbaoth. Isa.51:15 tells us that His name is (Jehovah Sabbaoth)and He is the One "who divided the sea whose waves roared." In Isa.1:9, Isaiah says that "except the 'Lord of hosts' had left us a small remnant of survivors, we should have been like Gomorrah." If you remember, the people of Gomorrah were completely destroyed. Jehovah Sabbaoth in the Hebrew means, "The supreme authority over the masses of the armies of God," who stand ready to carry out His commands on behalf of His children who trust Him.
Just like Jehovah Sabbaoth was with David and he became "greater and greater" (II Sam.5:10), and I Kings:18:15 tells us that Elijah had the courage to stand before the cruel King Ahab because he knew Jehovah Sabbaoth lived; and throughout Jeremiah, Amos, Zepheniah, Hagai, Zechariah and Malachi; Jehovah Sabbaoth will fight for us. He will bring vengeance against our enemies.
This fight is in the spiritual realm (Eph.6:12), against the powers and rulers of the darkness who want to destroy us because we are serving Jehovah. No foe can stand against the "masses of the armies of God" who are organized for war against the enemies of our soul. Jehovah Sabbaoth is His name!!
These comments are just skimming the surface of the vast volumes that could be written on the names of God. There are more name descriptions to come. He is too big to be explained in a few sentences, but small enough to live in our hearts!!
Blessed Be The Name of the Lord!! More names! Names of God Adonai – “YHWH, LORD, Master, Sovereign” – Neh.1:1,5, Gen.4:16; Isa.42:8; 48:11 El means “God” in Hebrew El Elyon – “The God most high, King of kings, The strongest strong One, the Maker of heaven and earth” – Jer.33:2; Ps. 27:1; Gen 14:18-22, El Ohim – YHWY God – “strong, faithful, covenant keeping God” universal creator” El Roi – “The God Who sees” – Gen.16:13-14 El Shaddai – “Almighty God, All Sufficiency” – Gen.28:3 El Emunah – “The One Who Is - Faithful and True” – Rev.19:11 El Ohim-Mishpot – “God is Just” – Isa.45:21; Zeph.3:5; Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 El Ohim-Selichat – “The God of Forgiveness” – Ps.99:8; 86:5 Jehovah – LORD or GOD – “The self-existent One Who reveals Himself” in The Redemptive Names of Deity Jehovah-Rohi – “Shepherd, guide, provider, protector, friend, and deliverer – (Ps.23; Isa.40:11; Jn.10:11) Jehovah-Shalom – “Prince of Peace” – (Isa.9:6; Heb.13:20-21; Isa.26:3 Jehovah-Tsidkenu – “Our Righteousness” – Jer.33:16; 23:6 Jehovah-M ‘Kaddish – “The Lord Who Sanctifies you” – Lev.20:7-8 Jehovah-Jireh – “My Provider” - Ex.15:26 Jehovah-Nissi – “My Banner (of victory) – Ex.17:15 Jehovah-Shammah – “God is there” – Jer.42:11; Matt.28:20; John 14:16 Jehovah-Saboath – “The Lord of Hosts” – Ps.24:10; Isa.51:15; Joshua 5:14-15; Zech.4:6; Miscellaneous Names of God or Jesus Word of God – Rev.19:13; John 1:1,14 Word of Truth – Jas.1:18 The Rock – Duet.32:4 32:4; Isa.51:1, I Cor.10:4 Fountain of Living Water – Jer. 17:13: John 4:14 Sun of Righteousness – Isa.49:9 Wonderful Counselor – Isa.9:6 Everlasting Father – Isa.9:6: 40:28; Rom.16:26; Gen.21:33 Our Hiding Place – Ps. 32:7 Our Strong Tower – Prov.18:10 King of Israel – John 1:49; 12:13; Matt.2:2; Morning Star – II Peter 1:19 The God of all Comfort – II Cor.1:3-5 Sovereign – Ps. 22:28 Refuge – Duet.33:27; S.S. 2:4 Eleezer – “God is Help” – Ex.18:4 Advocate – John 14:16 I Am – John 14:13 Spirit of Truth – John 14:17 Rewarder – Heb.11:6 The Immutable (Unchangeable) God – Jas.1:17; eccl. 3:14; Ps.33:11; 102:27; Mal.3:6; Heb.13:5, 8 The Chief Cornerstone – Eph.2:20; Acts 4:1 Names of the Holy Spirit Advocate – Jn. 14:16 Comforter – Jn.14:16, 26; 15:26; II Cor.1:3-5 Convicter – Jn.16:7,8 Counselor – Jn.14:16 Guide – Jn.16:13; rom.8:14 Helper – Jn.14:16 Indweller – Rom.8:9 Intercessor – Jn. 14:16 Life Giver – Jn.6:63: Rom.8:11; II Cor.3:16; I Pet.3:18 Restorer – Rom.8:11, 14 Restrainer – II Thess.2:6-7 Spirit of Adoption – Rom. 8:15 Spirit of Truth – Jn.14:17;15:26; 16:13; I Jn.4:6 Standby – Jn.14:16 Strengthener – Jn.14:16 Testifier – Jn.15:26; Rom.8:16-17 Witness – Rom.8:16 (These references are taken from the Amplified Bible. There are many more – find them for yourself. Believe and meditate on their meaning. It will strengthen your faith.) (There are many more – find them for yourself. Believe and meditate on their meaning. It will strengthen your faith).
Adonai is our creator, our Lord and Sovereign of all of the universe. Jehovah (Jesus),is our righteous, one and only Redeemer. Not only is Jesus our Creator, Sovereign Lord, but He is the Sovereign over all of His armies - He is Sabbaoth, Lord of hosts. He leads and directs his armies to fight against His children's enemies, Satan, and his demons, who has come to steal, kill and destroy us (Jn.10:10). "If God be for us who can be against us(Rom.8:31)?"
All the major prophets had a lot to say about Jehovah Sabbaoth. Isa.51:15 tells us that His name is (Jehovah Sabbaoth)and He is the One "who divided the sea whose waves roared." In Isa.1:9, Isaiah says that "except the 'Lord of hosts' had left us a small remnant of survivors, we should have been like Gomorrah." If you remember, the people of Gomorrah were completely destroyed. Jehovah Sabbaoth in the Hebrew means, "The supreme authority over the masses of the armies of God," who stand ready to carry out His commands on behalf of His children who trust Him.
Just like Jehovah Sabbaoth was with David and he became "greater and greater" (II Sam.5:10), and I Kings:18:15 tells us that Elijah had the courage to stand before the cruel King Ahab because he knew Jehovah Sabbaoth lived; and throughout Jeremiah, Amos, Zepheniah, Hagai, Zechariah and Malachi; Jehovah Sabbaoth will fight for us. He will bring vengeance against our enemies.
This fight is in the spiritual realm (Eph.6:12), against the powers and rulers of the darkness who want to destroy us because we are serving Jehovah. No foe can stand against the "masses of the armies of God" who are organized for war against the enemies of our soul. Jehovah Sabbaoth is His name!!
These comments are just skimming the surface of the vast volumes that could be written on the names of God. There are more name descriptions to come. He is too big to be explained in a few sentences, but small enough to live in our hearts!!
Blessed Be The Name of the Lord!! More names! Names of God Adonai – “YHWH, LORD, Master, Sovereign” – Neh.1:1,5, Gen.4:16; Isa.42:8; 48:11 El means “God” in Hebrew El Elyon – “The God most high, King of kings, The strongest strong One, the Maker of heaven and earth” – Jer.33:2; Ps. 27:1; Gen 14:18-22, El Ohim – YHWY God – “strong, faithful, covenant keeping God” universal creator” El Roi – “The God Who sees” – Gen.16:13-14 El Shaddai – “Almighty God, All Sufficiency” – Gen.28:3 El Emunah – “The One Who Is - Faithful and True” – Rev.19:11 El Ohim-Mishpot – “God is Just” – Isa.45:21; Zeph.3:5; Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 El Ohim-Selichat – “The God of Forgiveness” – Ps.99:8; 86:5 Jehovah – LORD or GOD – “The self-existent One Who reveals Himself” in The Redemptive Names of Deity Jehovah-Rohi – “Shepherd, guide, provider, protector, friend, and deliverer – (Ps.23; Isa.40:11; Jn.10:11) Jehovah-Shalom – “Prince of Peace” – (Isa.9:6; Heb.13:20-21; Isa.26:3 Jehovah-Tsidkenu – “Our Righteousness” – Jer.33:16; 23:6 Jehovah-M ‘Kaddish – “The Lord Who Sanctifies you” – Lev.20:7-8 Jehovah-Jireh – “My Provider” - Ex.15:26 Jehovah-Nissi – “My Banner (of victory) – Ex.17:15 Jehovah-Shammah – “God is there” – Jer.42:11; Matt.28:20; John 14:16 Jehovah-Saboath – “The Lord of Hosts” – Ps.24:10; Isa.51:15; Joshua 5:14-15; Zech.4:6; Miscellaneous Names of God or Jesus Word of God – Rev.19:13; John 1:1,14 Word of Truth – Jas.1:18 The Rock – Duet.32:4 32:4; Isa.51:1, I Cor.10:4 Fountain of Living Water – Jer. 17:13: John 4:14 Sun of Righteousness – Isa.49:9 Wonderful Counselor – Isa.9:6 Everlasting Father – Isa.9:6: 40:28; Rom.16:26; Gen.21:33 Our Hiding Place – Ps. 32:7 Our Strong Tower – Prov.18:10 King of Israel – John 1:49; 12:13; Matt.2:2; Morning Star – II Peter 1:19 The God of all Comfort – II Cor.1:3-5 Sovereign – Ps. 22:28 Refuge – Duet.33:27; S.S. 2:4 Eleezer – “God is Help” – Ex.18:4 Advocate – John 14:16 I Am – John 14:13 Spirit of Truth – John 14:17 Rewarder – Heb.11:6 The Immutable (Unchangeable) God – Jas.1:17; eccl. 3:14; Ps.33:11; 102:27; Mal.3:6; Heb.13:5, 8 The Chief Cornerstone – Eph.2:20; Acts 4:1 Names of the Holy Spirit Advocate – Jn. 14:16 Comforter – Jn.14:16, 26; 15:26; II Cor.1:3-5 Convicter – Jn.16:7,8 Counselor – Jn.14:16 Guide – Jn.16:13; rom.8:14 Helper – Jn.14:16 Indweller – Rom.8:9 Intercessor – Jn. 14:16 Life Giver – Jn.6:63: Rom.8:11; II Cor.3:16; I Pet.3:18 Restorer – Rom.8:11, 14 Restrainer – II Thess.2:6-7 Spirit of Adoption – Rom. 8:15 Spirit of Truth – Jn.14:17;15:26; 16:13; I Jn.4:6 Standby – Jn.14:16 Strengthener – Jn.14:16 Testifier – Jn.15:26; Rom.8:16-17 Witness – Rom.8:16 (These references are taken from the Amplified Bible. There are many more – find them for yourself. Believe and meditate on their meaning. It will strengthen your faith.) (There are many more – find them for yourself. Believe and meditate on their meaning. It will strengthen your faith).
Standing On The Promises
Today is my 74th birthday, so I want to make some declarations!
(1) God has never failed me!
(2) Jesus grows sweeter as the days go by.
(3) I have peace like a river, all because of Him.
(4) What a friend I have in Jesus!
(5) Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my life.
(6) Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
(7) My faith has found a resting place in Jesus.
(8) By His stripes I am healed, spirit, soul and body.
(9) I will take time to be holy.
(10) God's Word is a light to my path.
(11) Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will
live in the house of the Lord forever.
(12) Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!
(13) Great is God's faithfulness.
(14) I am a soldier of the cross.
(15) God's grace is sufficient for all my needs!
(16) How great You are!!
If you will notice, each declaratiion is a song title. I could go on and on with declarations but I will just end this blog with another song filled with declarations.
You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek, You are my all in all. When I fall down You pick me up, when I am dry, You fill my cup, You are my all in all.
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame, rising again I bless Your name, You are my all in all. Seeking You as a precious jewel, Lord, to give up I'd be a fool;, You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, Holy is Your name!
(1) God has never failed me!
(2) Jesus grows sweeter as the days go by.
(3) I have peace like a river, all because of Him.
(4) What a friend I have in Jesus!
(5) Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my life.
(6) Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
(7) My faith has found a resting place in Jesus.
(8) By His stripes I am healed, spirit, soul and body.
(9) I will take time to be holy.
(10) God's Word is a light to my path.
(11) Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will
live in the house of the Lord forever.
(12) Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!
(13) Great is God's faithfulness.
(14) I am a soldier of the cross.
(15) God's grace is sufficient for all my needs!
(16) How great You are!!
If you will notice, each declaratiion is a song title. I could go on and on with declarations but I will just end this blog with another song filled with declarations.
You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek, You are my all in all. When I fall down You pick me up, when I am dry, You fill my cup, You are my all in all.
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame, rising again I bless Your name, You are my all in all. Seeking You as a precious jewel, Lord, to give up I'd be a fool;, You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, Holy is Your name!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Keep On Keeping On
I think, as a believer, having a steadfast heart is one thing that brings great joy to the heart of God. As a child I, like Daniel, (Dan.1:8), determined to walk with the Lord all the days of my life. Since that time there has never been a time I desired to "sow some wild oats." Satan opened many doors I could have walked through, and out of fellowship with Jesus, but the love of the Father constrained me to be steadfast to my commitment to Him. I have not regretted one lost sinful opportunity presented me and I am so grateful God has kept me from many pits into which I could have fallen.
Paul likens the Christian life to running a race, with God predetermining a personalized course with the finish line in eternity. The course is full of obstacles (pain, trials, heartaches, etc.) and we must persevere by focusing on Jesus and not letting the obstacles distract us from our goal – winning the race. Only steadfast plodding wins the crown.
David sinned greatly in his lifetime but he not only was remorseful for his sin but he repented and God called him, "a man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22). Psalms 51:17 said, "A broken and contrite spirit He would not despise." In Psalms 57:7, David said, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is steadfast and confident." God blessed him for his steadfast heart.
Isaiah was prophesying of Jesus in Isa.50:7, "For the Lord helps me; therefore have I not been ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame." Even in the garden before His death Jesus was steadfast in his commitment to the will of the Father, "Not my will but Thine." He was steadfast all the way to the cross and death.
The first Christians were steadfast in their devotion to being “discipled” in the faith (Acts 2:42). When you become new creations in Christ your desire to walk and fellowship with him is insatiable. All things become new - the Word is exciting, prayer time is sweet as honey and just being in fellowship with Jesus and other Christians grows and perpetuates a desire to be steadfast in the faith because we love Him and want to be with Him. If we fail we have to confess and receive His forgiveness and recommit to the steadfast walk with Jesus. Being ‘steadfast’ and ‘failing’ may seem like an oxymoron but steadfastness is of the spirit and failing is of the flesh. The Father knows our heart. The Father remembers our commitment and knows our weaknesses but sees our steadfast heart so we can confidently draw close to His throne that we may receive mercy for our failures (Heb.4:13-l6). May the Father find us faithful!
May the words from this song be our theme, "I am determined to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back!"
Paul likens the Christian life to running a race, with God predetermining a personalized course with the finish line in eternity. The course is full of obstacles (pain, trials, heartaches, etc.) and we must persevere by focusing on Jesus and not letting the obstacles distract us from our goal – winning the race. Only steadfast plodding wins the crown.
David sinned greatly in his lifetime but he not only was remorseful for his sin but he repented and God called him, "a man after God's own heart" (Acts 13:22). Psalms 51:17 said, "A broken and contrite spirit He would not despise." In Psalms 57:7, David said, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is steadfast and confident." God blessed him for his steadfast heart.
Isaiah was prophesying of Jesus in Isa.50:7, "For the Lord helps me; therefore have I not been ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame." Even in the garden before His death Jesus was steadfast in his commitment to the will of the Father, "Not my will but Thine." He was steadfast all the way to the cross and death.
The first Christians were steadfast in their devotion to being “discipled” in the faith (Acts 2:42). When you become new creations in Christ your desire to walk and fellowship with him is insatiable. All things become new - the Word is exciting, prayer time is sweet as honey and just being in fellowship with Jesus and other Christians grows and perpetuates a desire to be steadfast in the faith because we love Him and want to be with Him. If we fail we have to confess and receive His forgiveness and recommit to the steadfast walk with Jesus. Being ‘steadfast’ and ‘failing’ may seem like an oxymoron but steadfastness is of the spirit and failing is of the flesh. The Father knows our heart. The Father remembers our commitment and knows our weaknesses but sees our steadfast heart so we can confidently draw close to His throne that we may receive mercy for our failures (Heb.4:13-l6). May the Father find us faithful!
May the words from this song be our theme, "I am determined to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back!"
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