“Search me, thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)
Dear Heavenly Father,
You told me in Your Word that I am to come before Your presence with clean hands and a pure heart so I want to first confess my sins. Forgive me for my lack of unceasing prayer; for not taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ; for sometimes dwelling on the negative instead of praising You that You are able to take care of my care; and to thank You for being the answer to my care. Forgive me for sometimes holding onto old hurts, instead of praying in faith for the healing and to remember how much You have forgiven me when I have hurt You with my pride or indifference. Where I am blind to my own sins, open my eyes. When I am prideful with my own self-sufficiency, forgive me and humble me. Forgive me of any pre-judging without knowing all the facts, and then when I must make a judgment, help me to do it with mercy, grace and forgiveness. Help me to be quick to restore relationships and to go the second mile when someone has hurt me. Please, continue to teach me how to be more like You.
As I look out on the beauty of this new day I want to praise You for being El Elyon, our Creator – the Maker of heaven and earth (and me). You are the Strongest strong One and You hold this universe (and me) together with the Word of Your power. You cause the sun to “rise” and nourish the earth and all its inhabitants with its rays. You cause those clouds I see to pour forth Your rain to water Your creation and keep it all alive (including me). You feed, nourish and keep all your creation (including me and mine) with the good things from Your loving hand and wise heart. Thank You for eyes and health to be able to richly enjoy Your creation You have made for me and others. Thank You for the Flicker Woodpecker, the Robin, the Cardinal and the Titmouse I can see eating the berries off the pear tree in back of the house. I thank You for letting me see the turtles sunning on the bank, the fish jumping in the water, the Herons fishing from the bank and the herd of deer grazing on the winter grass. You have made them all for me to richly enjoy – thank You.
I want to praise You for being El Shaddai, the Almighty God, Who is my Sufficiency. I praise you for being El Roi, the God Who sees. You not only see my need but are the Source and Sufficiency (El Shadai) to fill up all of my needs, spirit, soul or body.
I want to praise You for being Adonai, the Lord of all, the King of Kings, the Sovereign God, the Master of my life. I choose to daily relinquishment my will, and what I think are my rights, to You Who has a plan for good and not for evil for my life; a plan to give me hope and a future and Who knows what is best for me.
I praise You for being YHWH, Jehovah, Elohim – “the faithful, covenant keeping God,” Who is good and Whose mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting and Your faithfulness and Truth are to all generations (including mine). You never grow weary with my self-centeredness and luke-warmness, to the point of giving up on me, because You are faithful to keep your covenant to forgive all my sins, when I confess them and turn from them.
I praise You because you are Jehovah – The self-existent One Who reveals Himself to me and to all who will “see” and “hear,” and You are the Redeemer Who bought me back from the pit of death and then beautifies, dignifies and crowns me with Your loving-kindness and tender mercies. You forgive me of all my sins and heal all my diseases. You satisfy my necessities with Your good so, although I am 75 years old, you renew my strength like the eagles (strong, overcoming and soaring).
I praise You for being Jehovah-Rohi, my Shepherd, and have made me one of the sheep of Your pasture; and because of that relationship I can hear Your voice when you speak to me. And because of that relationship when my life is sometimes filled with turmoil and chaos, You cause me to rest beside You where it is quiet and peaceful. I praise You that Your Holy Spirit will comfort me through all the “times” of life. When life seems to leech all the joy, hope and strength from me Your sweet Holy Spirit comes to restore all those things my enemy, Satan, has stolen. Your Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Restorer, and I praise You!
I praise You because You are Jehovah-Tsidkenu (“God is Righteous”). Not only are You Righteous (right), but You chose to make me righteous by the Great Exchange that took place on the cross where You exchanged my old dirty coat of self-righteousness for Your pure white robe of righteousness, all for my just accepting it. I didn’t have to work for it or be good enough to receive it, but I could own my Robe just by putting it on, because possession is the right to ownership. Jesus, I thank You for Your salvation by paying for it by your death on the cross, and Your death was sufficient payment for me to receive my Robe of Righteous! And it will forever be mine!
Father, I praise You that although I have to walk through anguish, heartaches and testings while I am in this life, I know that You (Jehovah-Shammah, “The God Who is there”) will always be with me and will never forsake me. You are the Omniscient God Who knows what I am going through, how to solve all my problems and when. I thank You that I cannot go into the deepest sea, the highest heaven or anywhere that I will be out of Your presence. Thank You for seeing and understanding my deepest needs and that You have the sufficiency to fill all those needs abundantly. Thank You for being here in the place where I am now, and at this time when I need You, and I know that in Your time You will make all things beautiful.
I praise You for being the One and Only God Who is my All-in-All, the Great I Am – whatever I need You are Sufficient! I praise You for being the all-knowing, the Almighty, all merciful, the ever-present God; my God Who is Love and that loves me with an unconditional and everlasting love; the only true and faithful God.
I praise You for being Jehovah-Ropha – “My Healer.” You are the One Who has healed me spirit, soul and body, by Your stripes you took. I thank You because You will supply all my needs in Christ Jesus, according to Your riches in glory. I praise You for being Jehovah-Nissi – “My banner of victory.” You cause me to triumph in all things in Christ Jesus. You made me to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. You cause me to run through a troop and jump over a wall. I thank You for the victory I have in Christ Jesus.
I thank You that You have consecrated me to fulfill Your purpose and plan for my life; and You have enabled me, by Christ Jesus, to be steadfast and unmovable in this walk to which You have called me; and I know I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. I thank You that You are working in my life to do abundantly, above all I could even imagine, through Christ Jesus. I thank You that all of your blessings of mercy and goodness will follow me all the days of my life; and then when my life is over I will live in Your presence forever!
Father, I want to lift each member of my family to You. You know their needs, the desires of their hearts, so help them to “delight” in You so they may have those needs and desires met. When they are searching for something to satisfy their longing and fulfill their dreams, help them to realize that You are the “End” of man’s desires. Help them to know early that all true answers and fulfillment are in You and You alone. Help each of them to relinquish all their hopes, plans, dreams and desires to You, and to seek what Your plans and desires are for them.
Father, help each of my family members to walk in humility before you. May they realize that without You they are zero, but with You (Who is everything), they can be Everything. May they desire to grow into the perfect image of Jesus. You were meek and lowly in heart when You walked on this earth, and all the while You were the King of the universe. May each one realize without You they can do nothing; but with You they can do anything! May they live their lives doing justly, loving mercy and walking humbly before You. May they realize that if they will humble themselves, You will lift them up.
Father, help each of my family members to keep short accounts with You and others. Help them to not let petty grievances build a wall between them and others. Help them to be quick to say, “I’m sorry, Forgive Me,” and then to move on in that relationship. Help them to realize that if they don’t forgive, You can’t forgive them. Help them to walk in love in the same way that You love us.
Father, help each member of my family to love You with all their heart, mind and soul and then to love their neighbor as themselves. Only You can fill their hearts with this kind of love, give them a desire for You to fill them with Your very Self (which is love). Help them to think loving thoughts, speak loving words and act in loving ways. As they relinquish themselves to You, make them into new creations in Christ as You promised.
Father, I thank You for the privilege of the invitation to come to You in prayer; to climb up on Your lap, like Your child that I am, and be able to face to face praise Your wonderful attributes, to thank You for all You have done for me and are going to do, to confess all my known sins and to intercede for all my family members that You will rise up big in them and be paramount in their lives. On this my birthday I pray each one will receive these prayers with all the love with which I send them.
I pray all these things in Your precious and powerful name, that name that is above all names and at that name every knee will bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen (so be it).
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
He Is Able
Eph.3:20, 21 – “Now to Him who, in consequence of the action of His power that is at work within us, is ABLE to carry out His purpose and do super-abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or thing, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams – To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever.” (Amp)
To those of us who call God, “Father,” these verses bring great comfort, peace and hope while living in this world with all of its questions, problems, pain and turmoil, and because it is God’s Word we know it is true and we can trust him to be El Shadai, God Almighty.
El Shadai is our Almighty, all sufficient, all wise, all loving, all merciful, all faithful God (our All in All) – He is ABLE to do for us infinitely beyond our finite imaginations and wildest dreams to carry out His purpose for us. He is everlasting; He never grows weary; He never sleeps nor goes on vacation. He is never distracted from our smallest problem by the great earth-shaking problems going on in the world or in someone else’s life. He is not “careless” with our needs and cries, but keeps every tear.
Our Almighty God is never without provision or weak or sick. He is never late nor is He unconcerned. He is never confused, but is a God of order and plan. He is never afraid of any formidable foe, for He is the Almighty, omniscient and omnipresent God, against Whom nothing nor anyone can stand – after all, He created that foe, can’t He subdue it? That foe is only formidable to us who are helpless without El Shadai being our defense. So, even for us, who or what is there to fear with our Almighty God being our rear guard; He winnows the path before us; He covers us with His presence and He is the Rock under our feet? He is the only One who can dispel all our fears. He cannot fear but is to be feared.
HE IS ABLE (Greg Ferguson)
He is able - more than able – to accomplish what concerns me today.
He is able - more than able to handle anything that comes my way.
He is able - more than able to do much more than I could ever dream.
He is able – more than able to make me what He wants me to be.
We have no other in heaven or on earth besides our Almighty God – and we want no other. He is the irreplaceable and one essential in life. We can live without everything and everyone else, but we can’t live without Him. He is filled up with power, ability and desire to meet our needs, spirit, soul and body. His almighty power is Who He is. His power is part of His DNA – part of His essence. It is never depleted for its much use and He is not dependent on anyone or anything else.
When Jesus was on this earth He manifested this almighty power not only when He stilled the stormy seas, raised the dead, cast out demon spirits, and healed the sick, but the power of God was manifested best when He changed men’s hearts (many of the disciples, Zacchaeus , the demoniac, Mary Magdalene, and more). If He can change our hearts from being rebellious, selfish and idolatrous to being submitted, loving, giving and focused only on Jesus, He certainly is ABLE to change, restore, renew, provide and to do abundantly more in any of our “situations.” As God was Able to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt’s bondage and to take them into their promised land, where there was plenty, freedom, He is Able, through His provision of salvation, bring us out of the dark bondage of sin into the light and liberty of “knowing” Jesus. What a mighty God we serve!
After Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, He sent the Holy Spirit to live within all believers. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, and since the Holy Spirit lives within all of us believers, we have the “fullness of the Godhead” living within us, with all of Its innate power is at work within us (Colossians 2:9-10). So by His power at work in us we can resist temptations, be fearless, shrink from that which might offend God, and creating in us the power and desire to will and work for His good pleasure, satisfaction and delight (Philippians 2:12-13). This is dynamite (dunamis (Gr.) power – explosive! Therefore, we should not be reluctant to ask the Holy Spirit to help us accomplish those things God is calling us to that are far beyond what we can even imagine. Because of His wisdom and power the Holy Spirit will guide us into all Truth; He will teach us the will and ways of the Father; He will lead us in the right paths; He will comfort us in our sorrows and losses and He will lift us up when we are depressed or oppressed.
If we have all this power within us why do most Christians live far below all the benefits God has for them?” I suspect it is because they “believe” God can do anything but have never come to the place of “trusting” Him to do it for them. There is a difference between “belief” and “trust.” It is like a story I heard once about a crowd of people who were watching a man push a wheel-barrel across Niagra Falls on a tight-rope. After he had walked across and returned safely he asked a young man in the crowd if he thought he could push the wheel-barrel with someone in it across the Falls. The young man quickly said, “Yes.” The tight-rope walker then invited the young man to get in the wheel-barrel, but the young man declined because, although he believed the tight-rope walker could push the wheel-barrel (because he had seen him do it), he didn’t trust and put his confidence in the ability of the tight-rope walker to get him safely across. To believe is to have head knowledge, but we must believe to the point that our “knowing” drops into our hearts and we can “trust” our very lives to the One in which we “believe.”
Many believe Jesus is the divine Son of God (even Satan believes that), and maybe even believe His death on the cross was for the sins of mankind, but they have never “trusted” (to put their confidence in, rested in, and hoped in Him) for their salvation. Many believe God will do mighty things for others (because they have seen it), but that He is too busy, or their problem is too insignificant or personal for Him to care enough to answer their prayer. “Trusting” is crawling up into the wheel-barrel of God’s promises and character without seeing and experiencing the end result – this is “faith.” Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews ll:6). If we want to come near to God we must believe that God exists (most believe this, but the “kicker” comes next), and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out. The reward for our earnestly “seeking” Him with all our heart, is to find Him in all His glory and with all His answers, power, love and willingness “to do abundantly all we could ask or imagine” (Jeremiah 29:13).
So how do we get faith? Romans 10:7 tells us that “Faith comes by hearing what is told of the Word of God; the message that came from the lips of Christ the Messiah Himself” (Amp). We may hear it by preaching, by hearing others read God’s Words or by reading the Word ourselves, but we must “hear” not just with our ears but with our hearts and accept Its Truth and adhere to It and cling to It. Faith then becomes our conviction of the reality – the perceiving as a real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Faith moves God and He will bless us who have not “seen” yet believe in Him (just because He said so in His Word). Faith confesses, “My Almighty God said it, I believe it and that settles it.”
Did you know El Shadai is unmanageable? He is sovereign. Our Almighty God’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways (or He would not be God) (Isaiah 55:8). Our thoughts and ways are skewed because we are finite but God’s ways are perfect. Therefore, when we come to God with our problems and needs, we must not only come in faith that He hears us and is ABLE and willing to provide our needs, but that we are asking in His will. Some scriptures tell us plainly what is God’s will, others just allude to His will. If we are praying within all the guidelines of God’s will, why are we not experiencing the answers to our prayers?
1) One reason is that we are asking in a “evil” way. We are asking with selfish motives (James 4:3). 2) Another reason is that we are not “delighting” in the Lord. The Hebrew meaning for the word “delight” is, “to be soft and pliable.” Is your spirit submitted and yielded to whatever God’s will is for you (Psalm 37:4). If you are “delighting” in Him, “He will give you the desires of your heart.”
3)Another reason is that it may not be God’s time to bring about the answer. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us how God has a time for everything in this life. Verse eleven says, “In His time He makes all things beautiful.” By demanding an answer in our way and at our time is not submitting to His will, or “delighting” in Him. 4) We must always be led by the Holy Spirit in our asking and believing. We cannot see God’s almighty power exerted on our problem to do abundantly above all we could ask or think or expect Him to “make all things beautiful” when we are “stuck on ourselves” and our ways and ignoring the Holy Spirit. When we remain “filled” with Him, He can work in our lives to bring about “beautiful” answers.
So take all things to the Lord in prayer.
IN HIS TIME (Steven L. Foster)
In His time, In His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord please show me every day as you’re teaching me your way,
That you do just what you say in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord my life to you I bring, may each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing in Your time.
El Shadai is God of the “big and little stuff.” Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.” What is it about “all” that you don’t understand? All means “all.” Here are some synonyms from my thesaurus: completely, totally, wholly, every, any, each and every, everybody or anybody, anyone, anything, everything, sum total, aggregate, whole kit and caboodle, lock, stock and barrel, the works, the whole schmear. I think that means ALL! So take all things to the Lord in prayer – small and large. Know that He is ABLE to do abundantly above all you could ask or imagine, according to the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. Are you filled with Him or have you put Him in a box or closet and only let Him be God when you have tried all your homemade remedies? He is the only One Who is ABLE !
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged – take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness – take it to the Lord in prayer.
To those of us who call God, “Father,” these verses bring great comfort, peace and hope while living in this world with all of its questions, problems, pain and turmoil, and because it is God’s Word we know it is true and we can trust him to be El Shadai, God Almighty.
El Shadai is our Almighty, all sufficient, all wise, all loving, all merciful, all faithful God (our All in All) – He is ABLE to do for us infinitely beyond our finite imaginations and wildest dreams to carry out His purpose for us. He is everlasting; He never grows weary; He never sleeps nor goes on vacation. He is never distracted from our smallest problem by the great earth-shaking problems going on in the world or in someone else’s life. He is not “careless” with our needs and cries, but keeps every tear.
Our Almighty God is never without provision or weak or sick. He is never late nor is He unconcerned. He is never confused, but is a God of order and plan. He is never afraid of any formidable foe, for He is the Almighty, omniscient and omnipresent God, against Whom nothing nor anyone can stand – after all, He created that foe, can’t He subdue it? That foe is only formidable to us who are helpless without El Shadai being our defense. So, even for us, who or what is there to fear with our Almighty God being our rear guard; He winnows the path before us; He covers us with His presence and He is the Rock under our feet? He is the only One who can dispel all our fears. He cannot fear but is to be feared.
HE IS ABLE (Greg Ferguson)
He is able - more than able – to accomplish what concerns me today.
He is able - more than able to handle anything that comes my way.
He is able - more than able to do much more than I could ever dream.
He is able – more than able to make me what He wants me to be.
We have no other in heaven or on earth besides our Almighty God – and we want no other. He is the irreplaceable and one essential in life. We can live without everything and everyone else, but we can’t live without Him. He is filled up with power, ability and desire to meet our needs, spirit, soul and body. His almighty power is Who He is. His power is part of His DNA – part of His essence. It is never depleted for its much use and He is not dependent on anyone or anything else.
When Jesus was on this earth He manifested this almighty power not only when He stilled the stormy seas, raised the dead, cast out demon spirits, and healed the sick, but the power of God was manifested best when He changed men’s hearts (many of the disciples, Zacchaeus , the demoniac, Mary Magdalene, and more). If He can change our hearts from being rebellious, selfish and idolatrous to being submitted, loving, giving and focused only on Jesus, He certainly is ABLE to change, restore, renew, provide and to do abundantly more in any of our “situations.” As God was Able to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt’s bondage and to take them into their promised land, where there was plenty, freedom, He is Able, through His provision of salvation, bring us out of the dark bondage of sin into the light and liberty of “knowing” Jesus. What a mighty God we serve!
After Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, He sent the Holy Spirit to live within all believers. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, and since the Holy Spirit lives within all of us believers, we have the “fullness of the Godhead” living within us, with all of Its innate power is at work within us (Colossians 2:9-10). So by His power at work in us we can resist temptations, be fearless, shrink from that which might offend God, and creating in us the power and desire to will and work for His good pleasure, satisfaction and delight (Philippians 2:12-13). This is dynamite (dunamis (Gr.) power – explosive! Therefore, we should not be reluctant to ask the Holy Spirit to help us accomplish those things God is calling us to that are far beyond what we can even imagine. Because of His wisdom and power the Holy Spirit will guide us into all Truth; He will teach us the will and ways of the Father; He will lead us in the right paths; He will comfort us in our sorrows and losses and He will lift us up when we are depressed or oppressed.
If we have all this power within us why do most Christians live far below all the benefits God has for them?” I suspect it is because they “believe” God can do anything but have never come to the place of “trusting” Him to do it for them. There is a difference between “belief” and “trust.” It is like a story I heard once about a crowd of people who were watching a man push a wheel-barrel across Niagra Falls on a tight-rope. After he had walked across and returned safely he asked a young man in the crowd if he thought he could push the wheel-barrel with someone in it across the Falls. The young man quickly said, “Yes.” The tight-rope walker then invited the young man to get in the wheel-barrel, but the young man declined because, although he believed the tight-rope walker could push the wheel-barrel (because he had seen him do it), he didn’t trust and put his confidence in the ability of the tight-rope walker to get him safely across. To believe is to have head knowledge, but we must believe to the point that our “knowing” drops into our hearts and we can “trust” our very lives to the One in which we “believe.”
Many believe Jesus is the divine Son of God (even Satan believes that), and maybe even believe His death on the cross was for the sins of mankind, but they have never “trusted” (to put their confidence in, rested in, and hoped in Him) for their salvation. Many believe God will do mighty things for others (because they have seen it), but that He is too busy, or their problem is too insignificant or personal for Him to care enough to answer their prayer. “Trusting” is crawling up into the wheel-barrel of God’s promises and character without seeing and experiencing the end result – this is “faith.” Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews ll:6). If we want to come near to God we must believe that God exists (most believe this, but the “kicker” comes next), and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out. The reward for our earnestly “seeking” Him with all our heart, is to find Him in all His glory and with all His answers, power, love and willingness “to do abundantly all we could ask or imagine” (Jeremiah 29:13).
So how do we get faith? Romans 10:7 tells us that “Faith comes by hearing what is told of the Word of God; the message that came from the lips of Christ the Messiah Himself” (Amp). We may hear it by preaching, by hearing others read God’s Words or by reading the Word ourselves, but we must “hear” not just with our ears but with our hearts and accept Its Truth and adhere to It and cling to It. Faith then becomes our conviction of the reality – the perceiving as a real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Faith moves God and He will bless us who have not “seen” yet believe in Him (just because He said so in His Word). Faith confesses, “My Almighty God said it, I believe it and that settles it.”
Did you know El Shadai is unmanageable? He is sovereign. Our Almighty God’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways (or He would not be God) (Isaiah 55:8). Our thoughts and ways are skewed because we are finite but God’s ways are perfect. Therefore, when we come to God with our problems and needs, we must not only come in faith that He hears us and is ABLE and willing to provide our needs, but that we are asking in His will. Some scriptures tell us plainly what is God’s will, others just allude to His will. If we are praying within all the guidelines of God’s will, why are we not experiencing the answers to our prayers?
1) One reason is that we are asking in a “evil” way. We are asking with selfish motives (James 4:3). 2) Another reason is that we are not “delighting” in the Lord. The Hebrew meaning for the word “delight” is, “to be soft and pliable.” Is your spirit submitted and yielded to whatever God’s will is for you (Psalm 37:4). If you are “delighting” in Him, “He will give you the desires of your heart.”
3)Another reason is that it may not be God’s time to bring about the answer. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us how God has a time for everything in this life. Verse eleven says, “In His time He makes all things beautiful.” By demanding an answer in our way and at our time is not submitting to His will, or “delighting” in Him. 4) We must always be led by the Holy Spirit in our asking and believing. We cannot see God’s almighty power exerted on our problem to do abundantly above all we could ask or think or expect Him to “make all things beautiful” when we are “stuck on ourselves” and our ways and ignoring the Holy Spirit. When we remain “filled” with Him, He can work in our lives to bring about “beautiful” answers.
So take all things to the Lord in prayer.
IN HIS TIME (Steven L. Foster)
In His time, In His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord please show me every day as you’re teaching me your way,
That you do just what you say in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord my life to you I bring, may each song I have to sing,
Be to You a lovely thing in Your time.
El Shadai is God of the “big and little stuff.” Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.” What is it about “all” that you don’t understand? All means “all.” Here are some synonyms from my thesaurus: completely, totally, wholly, every, any, each and every, everybody or anybody, anyone, anything, everything, sum total, aggregate, whole kit and caboodle, lock, stock and barrel, the works, the whole schmear. I think that means ALL! So take all things to the Lord in prayer – small and large. Know that He is ABLE to do abundantly above all you could ask or imagine, according to the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. Are you filled with Him or have you put Him in a box or closet and only let Him be God when you have tried all your homemade remedies? He is the only One Who is ABLE !
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged – take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness – take it to the Lord in prayer.
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