Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Unique Word of God
Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose and action. (II Timothy 3:16 Amp.)
To be unique is “to exist in only one known example – the only one, sole, peerless, matchless, incomparable, unprecedented, unequaled.”
Every normal person is like many others in some ways – we are conceived and born in the same way; we have the same physical features such as: two arms, legs, eyes, ears and etc. But we are also unique in many ways – biological make-up, such as our DNA, our fingerprints and the irises of our eyes. And we have unique life experiences, relationships and etc. But the most unique one to ever live was Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was unique in ways that no other is unique. No other who has been or will be born had an immaculate conception (virgin birth), lived a sinless life, Who was, and is, and always will be, the only Savior of the world.
Even Jesus Christ’s Words were unique. “No mere man has ever spoken as He speaks” (Jn.7:46). Jesus was the “Divine Expression” of the Father - His Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself (Jn.1:1), the “Everlasting Father” (Isaiah 9:6). And this Word was made flesh and dwells among us as told in scripture (God’s Word) All scripture was Spirit breathed into and through man and translated into different languages. This infallible Scripture is our Bible – God’s Word. As E. MacLelland said it, “It is profitable to tell us what is right; it is profitable to reprove us and tell us what is not right; and it is profitable for correction to tell us how to get right; and it is profitable for instruction in righteousness, to tell us how to keep right.” Is it any wonder that David proclaimed in Psalm 119:11, “I will hide Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” We too must read It, meditate on It and then obey It because, “It is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe” (Rom.1:29). It is the Good News (the gospel)! So we must eat It, digest It and let It give us strength and wisdom to walk with God with clean hands and a pure heart. How unique a Word is that?
God’s Word is unique in that when God speaks it is like when it rains and snows and waters the earth and causes it to sprout, then grow and brings a harvest for seed to plant again and for making bread to eat. God’s Word that goes out from His mouth will never return to Him useless without accomplishing the effect He desired – It will always prosper in the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:10-11).
As we read God’s Word, meditate on and accept It’s Truth, then act on that Truth, It is powerful and will change us for good – our thoughts, words and actions and gives us a new heart and life. What other book can do all those things? The Bible (God’s Word) is the biggest “best seller in history” – why? Because God’s Word is eternal (Matt.24:35) and ever living (I Pet.1:23). God’s powerful Word created the heaven and earth and all that is in it (II Pet.3:5). Heaven and earth will someday pass away but God’s Word will never pass away – it is eternal.
Many have tried to destroy the Bible, but because It is Truth (God’s Word) it can’t be destroyed. One of the Truths out of God’s Word is that Jesus is the True and only way to be saved from eternal destruction (Acts 4:12; John 3:16) and through His name, and all that It means – “Savior, Master, Lord.” The physical may be destroyed but the Truth of the Holy Bible will live on forever. The Truth of that unique book is free (Rev.22:17) – salvation, freedom from the bondage of sin, abundant life here and now, hope of eternal life and God’s everlasting love for us, all free. Excerpts from God’s Word are written on our government buildings and were the foundation of our U.S. constitution – from no other book. Now they want to remove those writings. It won't matter how much of this unique book they remove or destroy, the Truth of God's Word will never pass away!
David Jeremiah encouraged us to look at the uniqueness of this Word of God, “The Bible was written in sixty six installments over a period of 1600 years in three languages on three continents. It has more than forty authors from all walks of life, writing under diverse conditions, and writing on hundreds of controversial topics. Yet it all fits together, seamlessly and without error or contradiction. When we hold the Bible in our hands, we aren’t holding an anthology or a bundle of scattered and miscellaneous thoughts. We’re holding one comprehensive, cohesive volume with a logical beginning and ending, telling us one story centered around one person – Jesus Christ. It’s as though a Master Author was behind it all, which there was. When we hear someone attack the Bible, we shouldn’t be too alarmed. The Bible has a habit of outliving all its critics.”
This unique Book even tells us of Jesus’ unique death. For example; 1) no one could take His life – after completing the work the Father had sent Him to do, He chose to die then He dismissed His own spirit. “I lay down my own life; no one takes it away from Me. On the contrary, I lay it down voluntarily. I am authorized and have power to take it back again. These are the instructions which I have received as my charge from My Father” (Jn.10:17-18; 19:30). 2) His death was unique in the fact that it was “substitutionary” – He died for all so all could be offered eternal life. Some could offer their life for another so that one could live, but no one could offer eternal life (Col.1:14; 20-22). 3) His death was temporary in that on the third day he rose victoriously from the dead, in due time ascended into heaven to sit forever at the right hand of God the Father, forever to intercede for us (Rom.8:34). What a Word! What a God! How incomprehensibly unique!
I have thought it was interesting why in Psalm 138:2; God magnified His Word above His Name. It think it is because all of God’s names are descriptive of the different facets of God’s character, but God’s Word is alive and full of power, making It active, operative, energizing and effective. It is like a two-edged sword, penetrating and dividing our very soul (mind, will and emotions) from our spirit (the deepest part of our nature), exposing, sifting, analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of our hearts (Heb.4:12). When God speaks things happen. He speaks the will and purposes of His heart, and will not return to Him without changing whatever He purposes to change (Isaiah 55:ll). What other book can claim this? How unique!
Standing on the promises that cannot fail when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; by the living Word of God I shall prevail - standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord, overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword - standing on the promises of God.
(R. Kelso Carter)
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