Sunday, August 16, 2009


The Truth of Jesus Christ is a wonderful thing. If you believe it, it will change your life, it will bring you joy and fulfillment. Unbelievers are not "valiant for the truth," as it says in Jer.9:3, but believers should be. To be valiant for something means to be, "strong, brave and courageous. We as believers must carry the banner of Truth high - facing the world's opposition with courage to stand alone, if necessary. With our "belt of Truth" girded securely, we must stand against all and everyone who would dilute, compromise or ridicule what God says is true. His Word is Truth! Genuine truth is not relative. If it is true it will always be true. Choose to believe the Word of God. Jesus believed it, He quoted it and He lived it - He was the Word. God's Word (the Truth) is inexhaustible. After some have dedicated their lives to studying this amazing book they have admitted they have only skimmed the surface. God's Truth is indestructible. People and governments have tried to destroy the Truth but "though heaven and earth may pass away, His Truth will remain."

As it says in John 1:1-5, Jesus and the Word are one, He said to doubting Thomas in John 14:6, that, "He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. I think the order of the nouns in His statement is very significant. First of all, He is the Way. Only if you are in the Way can you know the Truth and experience the Life - all in Him, Christ Jesus. The Truth is the most priceless treasure you can obtain. Solomon, the wisest man ever to live, and will live, said in Proverbs 23:23 that we are to 'buy' the Truth and don't 'sell' it or compromise it for our gain.

In this world of greyness, compromising, rationalization and half truths, it is hard to find a "straight shooter," someone who is searches for the Truth and then lives by it. What is Truth? In John 17:17, when Jesus was praying for us in His 'High Priestly Prayer', He said, "Your Word is Truth." All truth in this world comes from the character of Jesus, no compromising, no greyness, no rationalization nor half-truths. There is not such a thing as 'half-truth'. As they vow in court, "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Everything from Christ was straight-forward, honest, pure in motive and complete. The Truth is not up for interpretation and change. If it could be compromised in any way, it would not be Truth. Webster's definition of truth is, "constancy,genuiness." There is no pretense, play acting or facade in truth. It is 'always' the same - from the front to the back, inside and out, up and down.

We must always think, speak and act out the truth. When Satan puts doubtful, fearful and deceitful thoughts in our minds we must practice taking every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (II Cor.10:5). As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Prov.23:7). You become what you think and meditate on - truth or falsehood.

Are you a Truth Seeker, walking in the Light, or are you willing to compromise the Truth for momentary gratification? By choosing Truth you are choosing Light and Life!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Here are a few thoughts on faith:

1. When fear knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (II Tim.1:7)

2. When hardship knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Phil.4:19; II Cor.10:13; Eph.3:20)

3. When sorrow knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Rev.21:4)

4. When deceit dressed as an angel of light knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Jn.14:6; II Cor.11:14)

5. When sickness knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Isa.53:5)

6. When depression knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Ps.139; 30:5; 16:11; Neh.8:10; Heb.13:5)

7. When worry knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Phil.4:6-9)

8. When jealousy and envy knock at your door let “faith” answer. (Prov.14:30; Gal.5:26)

9. When unforgiveness knocks at your door let “faith” answer. (Col.3:13)

10.When Jesus Christ, our Savior, knocks at your door always let “faith” answer. (Heb.11:6)

Friday, June 26, 2009


“God is able to do abundantly above all we could ask or even imagine! (Ephesians 3:20)

I am a 'word' person. I like to study and analyze words, so I am fascinated and greatly blessed by the "verbs of God". I like to study and analyze words and have found that God is not silent. He is at work and active on our behalf all the time. I just wanted to share some of the "verbs of God" with you to bless you.

God holds and strengthens us with His right hand when we are too weak to stand. (Ps.73:23-26; Ps. 94:18; Isa.41:3) Remember, “Footprints in the Sand?”

After all He will receive us to glory because He has already received us into His family. (II Cor.6:17; II Pet.1:3; I Jn.5:1)

God guides us when we need counsel. (Ps.5:8; 23:3; 25:5; 32:8)

He comforts us when we grieve. (II Cor.1:4)

God provides for us when we are needy. (Phil.4:19)

God enables us when we are unable. (Phil.4:13)

God answers us when we call. (Jer.33:3)

God loves us although we are unlovely. (Rom.5:8)

God corrects us when we are rebellious. (Prov.3:12)

God saves us when we are in trouble. (Ps.27:5)

God delivers us when we are in bondage. (Col.1:13)

God will never leave us nor forsake us. (Heb.13:5)

God is our light in our dark places. (Ps.139:12; Jn.8:12)

God fills us when we are empty. (Ps.107:9)

God refreshes us in our desert times. (Ps.23)

God enlightens us when we are blind. (Ps.27:1; Rev.3:17-18)

God sees us through His eyes of unconditional love. (I Cor.13)

God calls us by name when we are lost. (Jn.10:3)

God reaches out to and seeks us. (Jn.4:23)

Jesus died, arose, lives, ascended and sent the Holy Spirit. (Jn.19-2l; 16: 7-8)

Jesus will live and walk with us and will be our God. (II Cor.7:16)

Jesus lives in us. (Eph.3:17)

God will give you the desires of your heart if you delight and trust in Him. (Ps.37:4,5)

Jesus is alive. (Rev.1:18)

God's Word is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing and effective.(Heb.4:12)!

God commands: go, wait, put on, put off, walk, run, seek, pray, repent, humble yourself, hunger & thirst, study, meditate and much more. Time nor space will not allow me to list all of God's verbs. Read and find for yourself more. It will excite you and build your faith. Make God's verbs your own.

Hallelujah for God’s verbs!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Along the fence row at the end of our street there are many blackberry vines on which we patiently (?) wait every year to bloom, produce small, green berries which turn red and then black. When they are fully black they are the sweetest and will easily fall into your hand when picked. If we get there before other watchful eyes we can have at least one big blackberry pie. If we are impatient and try to pick them before they are fully ripe they are not sweet and very disappointing. Waiting until the perfect time results in a very beautiful pie or preserves.
Waiting is not easy for us. It is human nature to want things now, in our time and in our way, which brings about disappointing results. But when we are dealing with an omniscient, omnipotent, all wise God, waiting on His time and His ways will always bring about a beautiful ending (Eccl.3:11).
Isaiah 40:28-31, is a beautiful illustration of how “waiting” on the Lord lifts us above the worldly thinking and lifts us up as on wings of eagles to soar above the problems, questions and hurts of our circumstances. In the Hebrew the word “wait” means “to bind together (by twisting).” I believe this is a picture of us patiently and expectantly yielding our desires and plans to the Father of Lights until our will is so blended with His that we are one with Him and therefore joyfully wait for His miracle in our situation. I’ll share a very poignant experience that taught me this very valuable lesson on waiting on the Lord.
Mark met Ladan at ETBU during the hostage crisis in Iran and for fear of her student visa being revoked and her being extradited, they married in 1980. In 1992, Ladan, then the mother of three children, was told she had cancer with a prognosis of three years. Ladan was from Iran and had been raised a Moslem. Her father sent her and her three brothers to the U.S for safety after the Shah had been deposed and a radical Khomeini had replaced him having all those loyal to the Shah either killed, imprisoned or their jobs compromised to the point of no influence. Ladan’s family was very loyal and even friends with the Shaw.
Ladan made a profession of faith while in college (she later said it was so the students would stop harassing her to become a Christian). Because after several years of marriage she seemed to revert back to her Moslem faith, Mark lost hope that her profession of faith in Jesus was genuine. He had shared his fear with us but in my heart I had peace about her salvation. So as we prayed and waited on the Lord it seemed as if I couldn’t pray with faith for her physical healing but prayed for a confirmation of her salvation.
After three years of Ladan battling the cancer Mark called us one afternoon saying he was taking her to the hospital because she had gone into respiratory arrest. We quickly packed a bag and traveled to the hospital close to Cedar Hill where they lived. All in God’s plans, Mark was not there when we arrived but had gone to the airport to pick up Ladan’s Father who had planned his trip a month before. The nurses led us into Ladan’s room where she was alone. She was hooked up to all kinds of life support and was in a coma. I noticed her eyes were open and were dry and glazed over with a film.
I called the nurse in and asked her why they hadn’t closed her eyes. The nurse said it was because if there was any awareness or responsiveness in Ladan it would be in her eyes.
I began talking to her and stroking her dark hair that had grown back since her Chemo. I then felt very impressed to have Wendell agree with me in prayer – to come, in the mighty name of Jesus, against destruction, deceit, the powers of darkness and spiritual death. As I began praying this in my spirit large tears began coming from Ladan’s dry eyes and rolling down her face. This was the miraculous confirmation I had been praying for. What joy and peace filled my heart. If I had not waited on the Lord for His perfect timing I would have missed this miracle. The best things are worth waiting for!
At Ladan’s memorial service here in Marshall her English professor and close friend and another close friend who had treated her as a daughter, shared with us how after Ladan professed faith in Jesus Christ she wanted to be baptized. Then in the church chapel she planned a public testimonial of her conversion. She came down the aisle in a white robe (signifying her robe of righteousness) and carrying a lit candle (signifying the light of Jesus in her life). We don’t understand a lot that went on in her life since then but we know the devil is the deceiver but he couldn’t snatch Ladan out of the Father’s hands. Hallelujah!!

The ‘big hand” on God’s clock is like a miracle wand. When His “big hand” reaches His purposed hour our ugly circumstances become beautiful. (Eccl.3:11)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Were We Promised a Rose Garden?

Several years ago, Lynn Anderson, a popular country-western singer, sang a song written by Joe South and made it very popular, “I Never Promised You A Rose Garden.” Some of the words are still meaningful to life in this world, “Along with the sunshine, there’s gotta be a little rain sometimes. When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live, or let go.”
If you know me well you know that I am a gardener and love flowers. I have a lot of other kinds of flowers that are beautiful but I have always loved roses but was discouraged from growing any because “they are too hard to grow and take a lot of work.” Well since when did hard work keep me from doing something I really wanted to do :)? So I bought my climbing rose, planted it in the sun, fed it, watered it, put up a trellis on which to grow and now I have red roses growing outside the picture window of my bathroom. But I have since come to know by the experience of cutting, pruning, digging, feeding and watering that my beautiful roses have thorns which latch onto clothing and skin alike, stabbing, tearing and bringing profuse blood at times. But this light suffering is not to be considered for the pleasure of seeing these beauties outside my window.
How analogous the rose is to the Christian life. Contrary to the focus some teachers have on material things, the "name it and claim it" gospel, we are promised tribulation as long as we live in this world (Jn.16:33), but, don’t you love God's "buts," – “but I have overcome the world.” To become that beautiful, fragrant flower God intended us to be we have to be pruned, dug around, fed, watered and grown in the “Son.” Jesus, the Master Gardener, knows that to grow us up into His perfect image we have to endure whatever He sees it takes to bring us to that place of being a desired, beautiful, fragrant and mature Christian.
Tyler, Texas, is called the rose capitol of the world. I used to see their roses being sold at roadside stands along the interstate outside of Tyler. Because of their fame and beauty, the roses were a sellout every day. Is the beauty of Jesus shining so in us that others who think they are wealthy and have need of nothing want to obtain the beautiful roses of peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and humility (Rev.3:18, Gal.5:22-23) they see in us? These qualities only come from “the Rose of Sharon” and cannot be purchased with money, only with a repentant and pure heart. In fact, all these beautiful things come in the package when we receive Jesus. When that happens the Master Gardener begins cultivating and perfecting our rose garden.
Yes, we were promised a rose garden. Although the thorns come with the roses it is worth it. (People without Jesus have all thorns, no roses :( ).

Mary Jones

Saturday, February 28, 2009


“Look and Live” (Numbers 21:9) February 28, 2009 Have you lately looked into Jesus’ face? Looking intently, sincerely, hopefully and beseechingly into the face of Jesus is a marvelous and life changing experience. You cannot just glance in passing, but to receive the miracle of renewal there must be an enthralling, concentrated and meditative gaze. Have you looked into His face as He hung on the cross? Have you seen your pain of sin in His eyes! Matthew 27 tells us that after the soldiers had crucified Jesus they sat down and watched Him. It was only after Jesus died, the earth shook and rocks were broken, the saints who had died were resurrected and came out of their graves, that the soldiers really saw Jesus for Who He was, “Truly this was God’s Son.” Looking at Jesus will change anyone who earnestly looks into His face! First you must clear away the fog and smog which has blown in from the compromising circumstances around you, which you have embraced. You have to clear out all the cobwebs of spiritual inactivity you have allowed to remain in your soul. You have to cleanse yourself of the overt and hidden sins you have rationalized. They all have to be confessed and forsaken. Only after all fog, cobwebs and filth have been purged from your life are your eyes able to clearly see again the beauty of Jesus. Just look at Jesus’ “friendly” face. He wants to speak with us face to face as a man would speak with a friend. Look at His expression of acceptance and love. He calls you by name and looks and speaks of His favor toward you and as He looks at you, you can see His glory, mercy, grace and goodness. How can you help but notice His face. As you gaze, see the glory of His name shining forth. Do you see your “Savior,” your “Head Lifter,” the “Compassionate One,” the “Christ,” the “King of Kings,” the ” Life,” “Light” and “Living Water,” and so much more.! Look! That “Light” you see is to illumine Himself to those in darkness. It is to warm and soften your heart that has grown cold and hard. It is to reveal to you that the light within you is the very character of Him Who is Light. It is to shine light on the stumbling stones, pits and traps in your path as well as the well marked crossroads. Do you see the glory of His name “Head Lifter” in His face? When you are bent down with heart pain, depression or discouragement He is the only One Who just speaks and looks with love and the pain and discouragement must go. So keep looking into that face! It certainly lifts up my head to experience His compassion. Sometimes we see His look of compassion in a word or phrase from His Word or a kind word or deed by others. That look says, “If I see the sparrow fall do I not see, know and care about your heartache?’ As you look into His face you will see His eyes are filled with forgiveness, care and hope for you. Do you see that smile on His face as He desires to manifest Himself as your Shepherd (provider, guide, protector and deliverer); as your only peace; always there through thick and thin; your healer; your victor and righteousness! No wonder He is smiling – just waiting to show Himself mighty on your behalf! His face is “findable.” He has plans for you for good and hope for the future, so seek His face with your whole heart you will find Him. Moses couldn’t look at God’s face lest he die, but when you look at Jesus’ face you too must die – to self. If you have turned away from the place where you first saw His face and confessed Him as Savior, return and look again into that dear face. He is waiting! Look and Live! The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ S. McEachern There is a place here by Me, a cleft in this rocky land, Stand, and when My glory passes; I will cover thee with My hand. I know thee by thy name; in My sight thou hast found grace, I will show to thee My glory, but ‘tis death to see My face. Mercy, grace and goodness: glistered by in brilliant white, The glory of His mighty name, incandesced; blazing bright, Filled with holy wonder, awestruck; stood Moses in his place; God’s glory in a portion passed, but ‘twas death to see His face. Marred more than any man His face; smitten slapped, and spit upon; There the glory of His love shone forth; and revealed the heart of God. My longing heart gazed at Calvary’s dark’ at the glory of that place; In faith I cried out to Him and found—‘tis life to see His face. Helen H. Lemmel put it so succinctly, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Benefits of Being A King's Kid

There is a lullaby you don’t hear much anymore, sung by a loving, completely indulgent parent, “Hush, Little Baby.” The lyrics promise all kinds of rewards to the child if he or she is quiet. The lullaby goes:

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
Daddy’s going to buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird don’t sing,
Daddy’s going to buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Daddy’s going to buy you a looking glass.
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Daddy’s going to buy you a billy goat.
And if that billy goat won’t pull,
Daddy’s going to buy you a dog named Rover.
And if that dog named Rover won’t bark,
Daddy’s going to buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

“If you then, as evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven (perfect as He is) give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!” (Mt.7:11). The very nature of love is to give. The earthly parent can give earthly things, as in the song above, but only if the Holy Spirit lives within can he be a conduit to pass on heavenly and eternal things such as a legacy of love, integrity, humility, godly self-esteem, trust and hope in the Lord God, Who is the source of all good things.

The benefits of being a King’s Kid are too numerous to name, but I am going to mention a few. The first I will mention is a “no brainer” – LOVE. I can think of nothing sadder than a mother and/or father who doesn’t even want their child, or doesn’t want the best for them. A truly selfless parent will sacrifice everything they have, even their own life, to see their child have the necessities of life and thrive spirit, soul and body. As a King’s Kid we can bask in the unconditional love of our Father. He does see the sparrow fall and all His other creations are in His view but His main focus is on us.

Did you know God sings and rejoices over you? I think His song is, “I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.” (smile) He takes great delight in you and He is always there in trouble to save you. When you are hurting and fretting He takes you in His arms and gives you peace and quiets you with His love while He sings His love songs to you. One verse in Zephaniah 3:17 confirms all of these benefits, "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." To you whom God’s wrath is more real than God’s love, choose to believe and accept God’s love whether or not you understand it. All of the other benefits of being a King’s Kid are just facets of this greatest benefit, the jewel of Love.

Because you are a King’s Kid you receive all the benefits of His love which includes: being chosen, redeemed, justified, forgiven, reconciled with God. His everlasting faithfulness, patience and His mercies that are new every morning. You can sleep like a baby with a clear conscience and in peace. You can have the benefit that the Father knows best and His timing is perfect and He gives you joy unspeakable and full of glory. He is the Anchor of your soul and you are made citizens and have the hope of heaven.

The Holy Spirit lives within to seal you as God’s child, to comfort you, to teach you and guide you into all truth which transforms you from the inside out and produces godly fruit in your life and gives you all spiritual gifts with which to minister to all the Body. The Holy Spirit also empowers you to desire and choose righteous living and break unholy habits. He makes His footsteps your pathway and shines the light on it so you can clearly see the way.

Another wonderful benefit of being a King’s Kid is the access the Father gives you to come boldly into His presence in prayer and worship and supplication. You don’t have to be afraid to ask anything because He is your Father Who loves you and wants to give you all things that will benefit you. He sees your weaknesses, knows your enemy and will enable you to overcome your enemy with His Word.

Like David we must praise and thank the Lord for benefiting us by bearing our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation (Ps.68:19)! David commanded his soul to bless the Lord for all His benefits (Ps.103:3). He said in Ps 116:12, "How can I repay God for all His benefits toward me?" Our days should be filled with praise and thanksgiving!

God rejoices and sings over His children, picks then up when they fall and kisses them with goodness, What more could we ask? We should pray the words of the songwriter, Clara H. Scott,
"Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth Thou sendest clear; Open my mouth and let me bear gladly the warm truth everywhere." Father, give me a thankful heart for all your manifold benefits!

Mary Jones