1) God loves man with an everlasting love. (Jer.31:3)
2) He has mercies and tender compassions for man that are new every morning. (Lam.
3) His Truth endures to all generations (Ps.100:5);
4) man is full of sin (Rom.3:23)
5) God is holy (pure) and will not defile Himself with the impure (sin). (Ex.15:11)
6) God loves us even while we are sinners (Rom. 5:8)
7) “Life is in the blood” so there must be a blood sacrifice for removal of sins.
17:11; Rom.3:24-26)
8) God gave up, for a time, His most precious relationship, His Son, Jesus (the
innocent, to come to earth and live as a man and shed His blood and die on a
for sinful man. (Jn.3:16)
9) Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross satisfied the Father’s desire for the
removal of
man’s sins, through the shedding of His own blood. (Rom.3:25)
10) At the cross Jesus (the innocent) took our place (the guilty) to die.
11) Without Christ’s sacrificial death man would still be under the curse and without
hope. (Gal.3:13)
12) The man who believes these truths and fully accepts them, God, in the form of His
Spirit, comes to live within that man and he will live (spiritually) forever.
This exchange at the cross is where the guilty became acquitted; where the lost to God were found; where the rebellious became forgiven; where the spiritually orphaned became adopted into the family of God and Jesus became his elder Brother and the eternal, almighty God became his Father; and where we will live with Them forever.
The cross is truly the most wonderful meeting place. It is where mercy and truth meet, where righteousness and peace have kissed (Ps.85:10); where provision and love are beyond measure. God’s desires and man’s needs are all complete in Christ death on the cross. God has the justice truth requires and man has His sweet mercy!
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
By I. Watts (1674-1748)
align="center">WHEN I survey the wondrous cross
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