Monday, April 11, 2011


April 10, 2011

To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6b)

This is a wonderful and promising statement but the first part of this verse warns of the converse, “The mind of the flesh is the sense and reason without the Holy Spirit and is death, that death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter.”
(Amp.) When you objectively compare these two mentalities – (the mind of the flesh vs. the mind of the spirit) and you have a choice between life or death - who wouldn’t choose life? Only a fool wouldn’t choose life and peace.

A fool says in his heart, “There is no God,” (no hereafter, no judgment, and no consequences for neglecting so great a salvation; I am my own God, the captain of my ship, the master of my soul) (Ps.14:1). For a fool to have such a “fleshly” inclination, he is contradicting his own reasoning. He is saying, “I am omniscient, I have all knowledge about whether there is a God or not; I know the beginning to the end and thereafter, etc.” Without knowing the Truth, his own words have made him a liar. For the fool to think in his heart that there is no God, he is “choosing” to be fleshly minded and if he doesn’t repent (change his mind), he will reap the consequences of a fleshly minded fool.

We too can choose either to be spiritually minded, which is life and peace, or fleshly minded without the Holy Spirit, which is the “death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter.” I, like Joshua, want to choose to be spiritually minded and reap life and peace (Josh.24:14-24, Matt.7:13-14).

What is the inclination of your heart? I have decided to follow Jesus - no turning back!

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