Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Call

“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
Psalm 50:15
This is a wonderful scripture with wonderful promises. It is wonderful to know God is just waiting by His heavenly telephone for us to call. He is just a call away. Do you have His number? It is Jer.33:3 – “Call on me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things you do not know.” What happens when we call on God?

1. In Psalm 50:15 He says to call on Him in our day of trouble and He will deliver us and then we shall make Him shine by telling of His mighty works. (Psalm 55:16; 80:18-19; 86:7; 91:15; 99:6; 145:18-19; Isa.58:9; Joel 2:32)
2. In Duet. 4:7, He says if we call on Him He will come near.
3. In I Samuel 12:16-17, He says to call on Him and “We will see the great thing He will do.”
4. In Psalm 86:7 and II Chronicles 7:14, He says, “If we who are called by His name (Christian) will humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven and heal our land.”
5. He says we will be saved from our enemies if we call on Him with praises – II Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:3.
6. In I Kings 18:24-39, Elijah called upon the Lord, the Lord answered with fire and
the people proclaimed Him to be “the Lord God.”
7. In Psalm 86:5 it says when we call on God, He forgives and is abundant in mercy.
8. If we call Him “our God” then He will say we are his people (Zech.13:9).
9. In Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13, He says if we call on Him we will be saved.
10. Romans 10:12 says, “All who call upon God in faith, He will bestow His riches on him.” What are God’s riches? – love, joy peace, patience, kindness, mercy, goodness, faithfulness, etc.

The word, “call,” in the Hebrew means, “To call out by name.” If your trouble is ‘sickness,’ call on Jehovah Ropha, (“I am the Lord Who heals you” Ex.15:26).
If your trouble is anxiety, call on Jehovah Shalom, (“Prince of Peace – Isa.9:6 & 26:3).
If your trouble is sin, call on Jehovah Tsidkenu, (The Lord Our Righteousness – Jer.23:6; 33:16).
If your trouble is want, call on Jehovah Jireh, (Our Provider – Phil.4:19).
If your trouble is loneliness or fear, call on Jehovah Shammah, (God is there – Jer. 42:11; Ps. 139:1-18).
If your trouble is helplessness, call on Jehovah Rohi, (The Lord is my Shepherd – Ps.23); He is your helper, friend, protector, deliverer – all you need.
If your trouble is grief, call on (The God of all Comfort – (II Cor. 1:3-5).

How big is your God? He holds you in His hands, trouble and all. HE IS BIG ENOUGH!

When God delivers you out of your trouble then “glorify” Him by praising His holy name/s and how He has answered your call.

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