Wednesday, February 27, 2013


February 25, 2013 Casting the whole of your anxieties, worries or concerns, once and for all, on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” (I Peter 5:7) From my window we look down the hill to our little cove on which we live. It is full of wildlife, on the land and in the water. We so enjoy watching the blue and white herons fishing with their long bills, from the bank and sometimes they get in the water (they must be dog-paddling). There is a big hawk that will sit very quietly on a branch of one of the trees close to the water or a “snag” where he watches the water for a “meal.” When his keen eyes spot his desired catch swimming too close to the top of the water, he quick as lightning, streaks down and with his strong talons pulls it out of the water, then off to share his catch with some babies waiting or just enjoy his success by himself. When our great-grandchildren come they love to fish, casting their lines from the bank. Oh, the joy they have when they catch a fish, big or little. Our two great-granddaughters came for a visit just before Christmas. The weather was beautiful and everything was optimal for two little girls and their stepdad and Papa to go fishing. Poles, lines, hooks and bait were all assembled and excitement was running high. They had been promised a fish dinner if they caught enough suitable sized fish. The problem at first was in casting, because these little girls were still too close to the ground, and their arms too short to be coordinated and still being novices to effectively and safely get that hook, with the bait, in the water instead of in the grass or someone’s skin. All these two little ones had was a cane pole, line, hook with bait and a lot of hope. Such as they had they used to give it their all. With a little “on the job training” They cast, with faith, and they caught (not many, but enough to satisfy their hope). In Mark 1:16, it tells of Jesus walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and saw two fishermen brothers casting their net (what they had – an act of faith) into the water to catch fish. Mark 10:46-52 gives the account of a blind man casting off his coat and running to receive his healing. Because the blind man threw away every encumbrance he received his sight. The act of casting and throwing away everything that would stop him was an act of faith that brought results – his sight. We, also, need only to cry out in faith to Jesus in our distress, cast off our cares onto Him and He will take care of them all – then He will sustain us and never let us fall (Ps.55:22). You have seen pictures of people in slavery and in concentration camps who had to carry tremendous and overwhelming burdens. Picture a strong giant coming alongside of them and offering to carry their crushing burdens. What a relief and comfort that would be! Know that we have such a “giant” – Jesus. He asks and invites us to roll our all of our burdens off our proverbial backs onto His. He is El Elyon – “The strongest strong One.” He will care (carry) for us. Our grandchildren knew the only way to catch a fish was they had to cast and let go of all they had, the line, hook and bait, then wait on the fish to bite. If they never cast their hooks into the water, they would never catch a fish. In the same way, if we never cast our burdens onto Jesus’ strong back and trust Him with everything, we will never receive our answer – peace, joy and resolution. Remember, He is the One Who took all our sins and burdens at the cross. He is the eternal, faithful, all powerful, all knowing, all loving Father God, Who knows, cares and is able to do abundantly above all we could imagine, because of the power of the Holy Spirit that is working within us (Eph.3:20). So what are you waiting on? He has invited you and is waiting for you to cast. Cast all your cares on Him because He loves you and wants to carry your burdens and problems and work them out for your good (Rom.8:28). I Cast All My Care Upon You BenjieLyn Hemphill I will cast all my cares upon You, I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. And any time I don’t know what to do, I will cast all my cares upon You!

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