Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Words - "Consider Your Choices to Drink The Cup"

“Choose you this day whom you will serve!” (Joshua 24:15) There has been much discussion on choices and our freedom to choose. All of life is made up of choices, whether or not we believe in unlimited free will to choose, or whether we believe every choice is controlled by God, we being the puppet, He being the puppeteer. According to scriptures (i.e. above and Jn.3:16), God gives us free will to choose in things which determine our destiny. Of course we do not have the freedom to choose who our parents are; or what color our eyes, skin or hair color is; or in which country we are born, etc. But, if we live in a free democratic society, God does give us the freedom to choose who our friends are, who we marry, to what political party we belong, and many more. But the most important choice God has given us is the choice of choosing to serve Him or the world, the flesh or the devil. So we must consider very wisely the choices we make for they may determine our eternal destiny. As a man, Jesus had to make choices also. They were not choices which would determine His destiny, for He was also God in the flesh and God cannot sin. But Satan didn’t seem to understand this because he continued to try to cause Jesus to sin by inducing Him to fall by serving the flesh, the world and the devil, even as we see in Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness (Matt.4:1-11). And He overcame them all by choosing to resist the devil by quoting and standing on the scriptures!! Then the most notable of all Jesus’ temptations was when He had the choice whether or not to “drink the Cup of suffering” that had been prepared before the foundation of the world. Yes, He would suffer and die if He drank This Cup, but His purpose, salvation’s plan, renouncing the flesh, and completing the “work” the Father had for Him to do would be finished. It would all be accomplished forever, for “whosoever” would choose Him. Or He could choose to take the easy way (for now) - to succumb to the flesh – to refuse the Cup. This would mean for us there would be no salvation, or freedom from sin; no heaven with all of its glories; and no eternal life for anyone, only a fearful and awful expectation of divine judgment…. (Heb.10:27). If Jesus had not drunk this Cup, we would not have a choice between being with Jesus forever, nor forever spending eternity without Him. I am forever grateful that Jesus chose to drink that most bitter Cup which enabled us to live a life free from the bondages of sin, and someday to enjoy the pleasures of heaven with Him forever, and ever and ever, and as Dr. S.M Lockeridge said in one of his sermons, “…and when you get through with all the evers ….then AMEN!!” Because at the cross Jesus gave you the freedom and summun bonum choice (“the supreme good from which all others are derived”), to choose life or death! Today, choose who you will serve! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! I have determined to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back!! b>

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