Saturday, August 30, 2014

Twenty Six Days of Advent - "Y" - "Yes"

December 24, 2013 “In Him it is always the divine “Yes.” For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their, ‘Yes’ answer in Christ. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God in His Person and by His agency to the glory of God.” (II Corinthians 1:19-20) (Amp.) When the Father said, “Yes,” to the heart cry of humanity for their need of a Savior, He fulfilled that “Yes” (promise) when He sent Jesus. God said, “Yes,” in Isaiah 9:6 to giving His heavenly Son to be born as an earthly son – what condescension! How was this “Yes” fulfilled? It tells in Luke 2. “In those days,” (Luke 2:1) Caesar Augustus ruled his vast empire with treacherous control. But he did not know God’s “Yes” that Jesus, the King of Kings, would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), in Caesar’s own kingdom, and that this “Yes” would be the ruler not only in Israel but of the whole world. “Yes,” the sovereign God was at work to bring the Savior into the world at the “Yes” (promised) time and in the “Yes” (promised) place. The Father said, “Yes,” to His Son being born in a dirty stable where the animals were kept and fed; and to humble parents; in the insignificant city of David - Bethlehem. The Father said, “Yes,” to the humble, obscure shepherds to be the first to hear the joyous announcement of His Son’s birth by the angels of heaven (Luke 2:11). The Father said, “Yes,” to creating a unique star for the wise men to follow to the place where the baby Jesus lay (Matt.2:1-2). The whole of Jesus’ life was a fulfillment of all the “Yeses” in the Old Testament. Now today the Father is orchestrating the fulfillment of every “Yes” (promise) He directed toward us, His children. As we accept His promises we can say “Yes” (amen – so be it) to demonstrate our faith in the promises of “Yes” regarding our requests in His Name and in His will. One of my favorite words is, “Yes.” “Yes” is so positive; it gives such a feeling of satisfaction knowing our request has fallen on listening and giving ears. My favorite “Yes” comes from my Father God. When He answers “Yes,” I can be assured that my request is in His will, and according to His promises. His “Yes, but wait” should not try my patience in wanting my request now, but I can be confident that in His perfect time, His “Yes” will be on the way and will be beautiful and fulfilling when it arrives (Eccl.3:11). If we meet these requirements when we come to the Father with our requests, we can be assured that He hears us and His answer will be, “Yes.” “And I myself will grant (say “Yes” to) whatever you ask in my name (as presenting all that I AM), so that the Father may be glorified through the Son” (John 14:13-14). The Father says “Yes” because our request has been filtered through the Son, and for which all that His name stands. In all this asking and answering the Father is shown to be faithful to His promises. His mercies, truth, love, graciousness, forgiveness, and all His attributes are proven and confirmed – all with His answer “Yes.” No problem to which we seek an answer, nor any need for which we are asking supply, will be ignored when we come in the name of Jesus, asking according to His will. The answer will always be “Yes.” Aren’t you glad He said, “Yes!” Let’s say, “Yes” to Him. “Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me. Sing it with the saints in glory, gathered by the crystal sea.” – Francis Rowley

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