Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent Alphabet - "P" - "Precious"

The Lord God says, “Behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone of sure foundation; he who believes, trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone will not be ashamed or give way to sudden panic.” (Isaiah 28:16) What is most precious to you? Many would say their savings account; or their fine jewelry; or their house; or their health; or many would say their family. Those are all good things if they were going to live forever and those things were going to be forever. But, all those things are very temporary and transient. Even as precious as our family is to us, the only way they will remain forever with us is if they are believers and trusting in the only One Who can give them hope of eternity in heaven with us and the other believers. Until we can say that knowing Jesus as our Savior is the most precious thing to us, we will be devastated in the end when everything else is gone, including the hope of heaven. Jesus has many names, some we have already looked at in this series of Advent messages, but another name is “Precious Cornerstone,” in Isaiah 28:16, which is our text scripture for today. A cornerstone is the most vital stone in any wall that is being built. The cornerstone (or foundation stone) concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be the one on which all other of the stones will be laid. This is the one that plays the key role in giving the building its symmetry and is more important, valuable, and thus more precious than any of the other stones. Ephesians 2:20 says, “You are built upon the foundation…with Jesus as the chief Cornerstone.” “Come to Him then, that Living Stone which men tried and threw away, but which is chosen and precious in God’s sight. Come and like living stones, be yourselves built into a spiritual house” (I Peter 2:4-5). One of the most beautiful names for Jesus is the “Pearl of Great Price” (Matthew 13:45-46). This is taken from Jesus' teachings on the kingdom of heaven. “A dealer in search of fine and precious pearls, who, on finding a single pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it.” This parable is analogous to our “finding” Jesus Christ as the most precious of all other things we consider precious and valuable. Just “knowing” Him and being in His presence is a sweet and precious time! And having His peace “that passes understanding” in our hearts is also so very precious! All babies are precious, but Jesus was the most precious because His coming to earth bankrupt heaven of the Father’s Son, Jesus. His life and death were most costly, which made them precious. We should never stop giving Him praise for His Precious Name, Jesus, and His precious gift of salvation to the world! Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven! (Lydia Baxter)

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