Tuesday, January 26, 2016
The God Factor
I think we will all agree that our world is in a terrible mess - financially, politically, and spiritually. It seems most of our leaders have lost their belief, or never believed in, The God Factor. They are looking to their fame, expertise, education, political persuasion, wealth, or their power to get them to their anticipated destination, which is usually the approval of man; or the things they think will bring them success and security. If only these leaders of our media, churches, towns, states, and our nation would come to “know” that true success and security come only when The God Factor is counted in.
We are presently in a political campaign to elect the next President of the United States, the greatest country on earth. The candidates from both parties are feverishly working to get that nomination, and eventually elected. But only a fraction of them are depending on The God Factor to put them over the top. Most are depending on their monies, their claim to fame, or their connections to bring success. One, maybe two, candidates stand out in this “crowd” to be the only ones who are trusting in The God Factor. This writing is to point out the similarities of one of these candidates to a leader and hero in the Bible. That hero is Gideon, his story is found in Judges six and seven, and the 2016 candidate is Ben Carson, today’s hero.
There are a lot of similarities between Gideon and Ben Carson. Both came from very humble backgrounds. Gideon was from the poorest clan in Mannaseh, and the least (unimportant) in his family. But the Lord called Gideon a “mighty man of fearless courage,” and told him to “go in your might.” What was Gideon’s might? He stood in awe of God and reverenced Him, and didn’t fear man. He was “strong in the Lord.” He remembered the past wondrous works of God for the Israelites, and God reminded Gideon that He had sent him, and He would go with Him, and He would defeat his foes as if he were the only man fighting. His foes were “like locust in multitude,” Gideon’s army was 32,000 in the beginning, but God told him to scale it down so Israel wouldn’t boast that the victory was by their own hand, but acknowledge it was from the Lord. By the time God's scaling was over there were only 300 left.
So Gideon built an altar of “peace” to the Lord and tore down the heathen altars. He stood for righteousness – he was not politically correct. Even though Gideon had some doubts as to whether he would be victorious, God confirmed his calling and victory. Subsequently, Gideon’s army just stood in their place around the camp of the enemy and blew their trumpets. The enemy in fear either killed each other or fled. Gideon’s army had victory because of the God Factor.
Ben Carson lived in dire poverty until he was grown. He learned to trust God through all of his learning (schooling and life experiences), therefore God has given him many high positions, titles and accolades, because of his humility through them all, and his trust and commitment to Christ, knowing it was only because he could do all things through Christ Who strengthened him. He is humble enough to know that if God called him He would provide everything he would need to complete and fulfill the job, even if the secular media, highly respected people, and even friends (?) forsook him. Ben Carson knows that his God will never, never, no never leave him nor forsake him.
In like-manner as Gideon, God will be with Ben Carson and he will defeat all those against him, even if he has to do it alone without any support other than from God. “If God be for him who can be against him?” (1) Dr. Carson’s fleece was his waiting on God to move supporters to contribute with prayer and financial help before he even agreed to run. Then it was “Run, Ben, Run!”
Ben Carson is a gentle giant, but a mighty man of courage. He faces his opponents with soft-spoken, but authoritative words, words of peace, never degrading but “speaks the truth in love.” He has refused to accuse his opponents but has bowed at his “altar of peace.” He has dedicated himself to peace, peaceful talk and peaceful acts, and to let God do the “work” and fight for his cause. When it seemed like his opponents has overcome him, he has turned to the Lord in submission to be filled with God’s Spirit. He hasn’t heard, “stop,” so he will continue to fight on until the Lord says, “Here is your victory!”
I will say to Ben Carson, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways recognize and acknowledge Him for all He is, and He will direct and make your paths straight and plain.” (2) Don’t look at the nay-sayers demeaning eyes, nor listen to their critical words, for the Lord is on your side! Remember, “It is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.”(3)
When Christians in all evangelical churches have been praying that righteous leaders would be elected, do they not see that if we don’t put our vote where our prayers are, our vote is self defeating. We must vote for humble, peace seeking, God-fearing, and God-glorifying people to our public offices, then factor in God. That is our part in answering our own prayers for righteous leaders.
The critics and pundits may say, “Carson is too low in the polls to ever catch up.” “He is not electable considering how strong the other side is.” They don’t know that God’s ways are not our ways, He loves to surprise us and our opponents, and He is still in the miracle working business. So, stand back, you nay-sayers, watch the “salvation of the Lord” for Ben Carson. Don’t forget the God Factor!!
(1) Romans 8:31
(2) Proverbs 3:5-6
(3) Zechariah 4:6
Friday, January 22, 2016
My Magnificent Psalm - 139
I have walked with Jesus since I was a very small child. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t love Jesus and want to have Him live in my heart and to walk and talk with Him as a friend. As I remember, I began trusting in Jesus about the same time my earthly father left the family, first emotionally then physically. (That is a story in itself I may someday put in writing). Until now I had not really associated the two happening as being in the same time-frame, but through that experience of losing my father (that of his choice) I believe my feelings of being securely loved was the grace that my heavenly Father gave me when He came into my life when I accepted Him as my Savior. This love filled up the void left by my earthly father. I loved Jesus and knew that He loved me.
As I grew into my teen age years I had a special place where I went to pray and meditate by myself on the things of God. I had to walk about 6 blocks to school, and the route I took was across a college campus where the College Church was located. I went to the church by myself and became acquainted with a little prayer room in the basement of the church which had a door opening to the outside, so it was very accessible for me to go into on my way home from school. The prayer room had an altar, a Bible, a lighted cross and a few chairs. I spent many after school hours in that small room, but it was big enough for me and the Lord and His Word, which became the love of my life. In that little room the Father opened His Word to me, showing me Truths that brought such comfort, peace, joy and hope in what could have been a very lonely, hopeless life. I had many friends, but there was not one who could take the place of my Friend Jesus. It was in this small room that I discovered the 139th Psalm and all its beauty. It has been my favorite Psalm since that time, and I want to share some of its meanings that I received in that little prayer room. Please read the scriptures along with me.
Psalm 139
Verse 1. In His unfathomable omniscience God chooses to search the deepest crevices of my mind, my will and my emotions for my motives and desires in every decision I make, whether they are Godward or of the flesh. He “knows” me completely, and wants to guide me in the way I should go.
for He knows the “way” that I should go – the way that is straight and narrow – the way that is less travelled.
Verse 2. God sees and knows if I am “not walking in the counsel of the ungodly, nor choosing sinners to be my companions with whom I hang out; nor go with them in their ways; nor feeling comfortable taking part with those who scorn God and His righteous children” (Ps.1:1). He sees and knows my thoughts, even before I think them. I pray I will always desire to have His thoughts and walk in His ways – may I always seek them (v 3). God constantly and carefully searches every step that I take for snares, traps, pitfalls and anything that would make me fall. He even searches and plans for the right time, place and circumstances for me to rest. He knows all the choices I will make and all the paths I will take. (I pray that I will always choose His will and His paths.)
Verse 4. God even knows the words I will speak, even before I speak them – all the good and the bad. I am altogether open and exposed to God . “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart always be acceptable to Him Who is my Strength and my Redeemer” (Ps.19:14 and Heb.4:13)!
Verse 3 & 5 - God has me completely covered me with His protection - if I choose to walk in that protection. He is the “Rock” on which I stand (Ps.19:14); He goes before me and comes behind me and searches out all my paths; He is my “Rearguard” (Ps.139:5). He lays His hand upon me (Ps.91:1-2) - He is my “Fortress” (II Sam.22:33).
Verse 6 – God’s knowledge, and all His attributes, are incomprehensible to me. If I was able to attain all the knowledge in the world I could never reach the fathoms of His knowledge. It is too high for me, too deep – it is unfathomable.
Verses 7-12 – God’s presence is always with me. If I wanted to, I could not hide from His presence anywhere, but His presence would always be there before me. What a wonderful thought that His presence is with me in the highest heavens (even if I went to Mars His presence would be there, after-all He created Mars), or in the uttermost part of the sea; or even in the grave, even there His hand would still be leading me and His right hand holding me. Even in the darkness nothing nor anyone can hide from God, but the night shines as bright as the day. The darkness and the light are alike to Him, after-all He created both (Genesis 1:3-5) Darkness is simply the absence of light and He is light (Jn.1:4-9). So where He is there is Light, and without Him there is darkness. In the Light there is Truth and there is Life, for that is where Jesus is. In darkness is where Satan dwells. There he deceives and blinds, steals, kills and destroys (Jn.10:10). So I choose Light so I might live (Jn.14:6.). God sees all that is in the darkness, as well as all that is in the light. When I trusted in Jesus He delivered me out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness into His Kingdom of Light (Truth) (Col.1:13-14). I can know the Truth and it will set me free from the blindness and bondage of Satan’s darkness (Jn.8:32).
Verses 13-16 - God created us in our mother’s womb; each with our own abilities, and what we think of as disabilities. But God created us all with a purpose and a plan; a plan for welfare and peace and not for evil, and to give us hope in our final outcome (Jer.29:11 Amp.). As I think about my creation from conception through birth, I have to agree with God and praise Him, for He is awesome and wonderful; and for the awesome wonder of my birth. He saw me when I was being formed in secret and curiously worked as if embroidered with various colors. What an awesome mystery! Even then He gave me gifts and abilities all my own so I could be what He wanted me to be. There in my mother’s womb He saw me and in His book of my life all my days were written before even one day took place. (I pray I will follow His plan every day of my life (Jer.29:11).
Verses 17-18 - When you love someone they are continually in your thoughts. You want to know what and how they are doing. If your children are the object of your loving thoughts, you wonder, and pray for them to be well and happy and seeking after God with all their hearts (for you know this is the only way they will ever be truly happy and at peace). We are concerned for the choices they are making: in their work, friendships, family and relationships; and the things for which they are concerned. Everything that fills their lives we think about and pray for them to have God’s wisdom in all their decisions. Our thoughts of those we love go on and on. In like manner, God our Father thinks about me, his child, but His thoughts toward me are much more numerous, and with more love. The Holy Spirit prays the perfect prayers for me when I don’t know how to pray for myself. (Rom.8:26) To me, they are precious and weighty. If I were able to count His thoughts toward me, they would be more in number that the grains of sand of all the sea shores in all the world. If I started now to count them, even after death and I would wake up with Jesus, I could count them throughout eternity; I still could not count all His thoughts toward me. Why? All because of His love for me. He knows everything about me yet He loves me. How incomprehensible!!
“How can it be? Amazing love!! How can it be that, You, my God, should die for me? Amazing love!!”
When He Was On The Cross, I Was On His Mind
Gee of the Florida Boys
I’m not on an ego trip, I’m nothing on my own,
I made mistakes, I often slip, Just common flesh and bones,
But I’ll prove some day just why I say I’m of a special kind,
For when He was on the cross I was on His mind.
The look of love was on his face, thorns were on His head,
The blood was on his scarlet robe, stained a crimson red,
Though His eyes were on the crowd that day, He looked ahead in time,
For when He was on the cross I was on His mind.
He knew me, yet He loved me.
He Whose glory makes the heavens shine, so unworthy of such mercy.
Yet when He was on the cross I was on His mind.
Verses 23-24 – I am so blind to many of my own “sins,” so I must pray every day, “Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try and test me and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Is it any wonder that this has been my favorite Psalm since I was a very young teenager who discovered the Truth of God’s love toward me through Psalm 139? I was young then, but now I am old and God’s love grows sweeter every day!!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Praying My Favorite Psalm - 139
Verse 1. Father, in Your unfathomable Omniscience You choose to search for my motives and desires in every decision I make, whether they are Godward or of the flesh. You “know” me completely, and want to guide me in the way I should go.
Verse 2. You see and know everything about me, even when I am sitting down or standing up. You even understand my thoughts even before I think them. I pray I will always desire to have Your thoughts and walk in Your ways – may I always seek them.
Verse 3. Father, Thank You for sifting and carefully searching out the path I am taking. You carefully search every step that I take to show me any snares, traps, pitfalls and anything that would make me fall. You even plan the right time, place and circumstances for me to rest. You know all the choices I will make, and watch if I am walking in Your counsel, or walking in the counsel of the ungodly; You want to guide me back to the right path. You see when I choose sinners to be my companions with whom I “hang out,” and go with them in their ways; and feel comfortable and take part with those who scorn You and Your righteous children (Ps.1:1). I pray I will always choose Your paths and Your will.
Verse 4. Father, You even know the words I will speak, even before I speak them – the good and the bad words - I am altogether open and exposed to You (Heb.4:13). I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be acceptable to You, Who are my strength and my firm and impenetrable Rock, and my Redeemer (Ps.19:14).
Verse 5. Father God, You have completely covered me with your protection, given me wisdom and help me to choose to walk in that protection. You are the Rock on which I stand (Ps.19:14); You go before me and sift out my path (Ps.139:3); You are my Rear Guard and have laid Your hand on me: You have shut me in; (Ps.139:5). Thank You, for your watchful care over me!
Verse 6. Father, Your infinite knowledge and all Your attributes are completely incomprehensible to me. If I were able to attain all the knowledge in the world I could never reach the fathoms of Your knowledge. It is too high for me, and too deep – it is unfathomable!
Verses 7.-12. Your presence is always with me. If I wanted to I could not hide anywhere, but You would already be there before me. On the other hand, what a wonderful thought that Your presence is with me in the high heavens; in the uttermost part of the sea; and even in the grave, You have always been there because You are omnipresent, and I am never alone! Even in Satan’s darkness (deceit) You are there and You see and You know how Satan works. You see all, whether in physical darkness or spiritual darkness. Thank You that all of Satan’s deceit is completely seen by You, because You are complete Light (Jn.1:4-9)! You have promised that You will never leave me nor forsake me, never, no never, no never (Heb.13:5)! When I trust in Jesus as my Savior, You deliver me out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness into Your kingdom of Light (Truth) (Col.1:13). I can know the Truth about Jesus and Satan, and that Truth will set me free from the blindness and bondage of Satan’s darkness and deceit.
Verse 13. God, You created each of us in our mother’s womb; each with our own abilities and those we think are disabilities. But, You created each of us with a purpose and a plan, a plan for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give us a hope in our final outcome (Jer.29:11 Amp.). As I think about my creation from conception through birth, I have to agree with You, God, and praise You for You are awesome and wonderful, and for the awesome wonder of my birth. You saw me when I was being formed in secret and curiously worked as if embroidered with various colors – what a mystery! You gave me gifts and abilities all my own. There in my mother’s womb You saw me and in Your book of my life all my days were written before even one took place. Father, I pray You will help me to always follow Your plan for my life.
Verses 17-18. Father, how marvelous to think that Your thoughts are precious and weighty toward me. O God! How vast is the sum of them, they are too many to be numbered. They would be more in number than the sand of the sea. If I could number them, and started now, I would count into eternity and still not finish counting. Then I would awake in heaven with You. How incomprehensible that You could love me that much! How can it be? Amazing love! How can it be that You my God should love me so.
Verses 23-24. Father, since I am so blind to many of my own sins, I pray that You will “Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try & test me, and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
(Is it any wonder that this has been my favorite Psalm since I was a very young teenager who discovered the Truth of God’s love toward me through this Psalm. And this love is not just toward me but to all people! How could anyone spurn such love?)
Jesus Had None
“He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.” (Isaiah 53:2)
Why? Why would Jesus have no beauty when the Psalmist, David, asked of the Lord, that he may dwell in the presence of the Lord all the days of his life, to gaze upon the beauty and sweet attractiveness and delightful loveliness of the Lord,” and Moses prayed in Psalm 90:17 to “let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.” At that time God was a spirit and was invisible and had no physical form, so these Psalmists were not speaking of “gazing upon” or “looking” at Him physically, but they had experienced the beauty of His Spirit and all His attributes – love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal.5:22-23). He is the Comforter, Guide, Teacher, Sustainer, Restorer, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby, and all the goodness that comes from the Father. He is the Holy Spirit; He is the third person of the Godhead, He is Jesus’ Spirit that the Father sent after Jesus left this earth and ascended to the Father (John 14:26).
Those in the Old Testament that sought after God experienced these lovely things through the Holy Spirit. Now in the present time since the Father sent the Holy Spirit to live permanently within all believers, we can experience all of these beautiful attributes. All believers who “walk in the Spirit, and not in the flesh” (Rom.8:1-17), can experience the beauty of God’s Spirit with all of His attributes. Walking in the fellowship with the Spirit of God Himself is the most “delightful” and “beautiful” experience a human can have on this earth. So, why and how could we “look” at Him and not see His beauty? Because, Isaiah 53:2 is a prophecy of Jesus and what He would experience at His crucifixion.
When Jesus lived in bodily form as a human, and was crucified, He went through such torture and humiliation that He had no physical beauty or grace in His form that we should desire to look at and admire Him. Those who were there and saw Him crucified, saw that He was covered with blood from His head to His feet from the scourging where the flesh was torn from the bones; from the lacerations caused by the “crown” of thorns being thrust on His head; and from being struck on His head with a staff. His hair was matted with the blood which was mixed with spittle from whoever wanted to degrade Him. The High Priest tore His clothes and hit Him with their fist and slapped Him with their hands. This all caused swelling and bruising which further distorted His features. His strength was drained from the loss of blood and from carrying His cross, which probably weighed over 300 pounds, and He fell under its weight.
Is it any wonder he had no pleasing or desirable appeal to people looking on? There was no kingly splendor or pomp, no delight in looking on Him. He didn’t even have the form of a young man but looked monstrous. That is why Jesus had no beauty …… all for us!
Isaiah 53:3-12 (Amp. Bible)
He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, and acquainted with grief and sickness; and like One from Whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate his worth or have any esteem for Him.
But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes that wounded him we are healed and made whole.
All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has made to light upon Him the guilt and iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, yet when He was afflicted, He was submissive and opened not His mouth; like a lamb that before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Yet it was the will of the Father to bruise Him. He let Himself be regarded as a criminal and be numbered with the transgressors; yet he took away the sin of many and made intercession for the rebellious.
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
(Isaac Watts)
When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.
See, from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown.
Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small.
Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.
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