Thursday, January 21, 2016

Praying My Favorite Psalm - 139

Verse 1. Father, in Your unfathomable Omniscience You choose to search for my motives and desires in every decision I make, whether they are Godward or of the flesh. You “know” me completely, and want to guide me in the way I should go. Verse 2. You see and know everything about me, even when I am sitting down or standing up. You even understand my thoughts even before I think them. I pray I will always desire to have Your thoughts and walk in Your ways – may I always seek them. Verse 3. Father, Thank You for sifting and carefully searching out the path I am taking. You carefully search every step that I take to show me any snares, traps, pitfalls and anything that would make me fall. You even plan the right time, place and circumstances for me to rest. You know all the choices I will make, and watch if I am walking in Your counsel, or walking in the counsel of the ungodly; You want to guide me back to the right path. You see when I choose sinners to be my companions with whom I “hang out,” and go with them in their ways; and feel comfortable and take part with those who scorn You and Your righteous children (Ps.1:1). I pray I will always choose Your paths and Your will. Verse 4. Father, You even know the words I will speak, even before I speak them – the good and the bad words - I am altogether open and exposed to You (Heb.4:13). I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be acceptable to You, Who are my strength and my firm and impenetrable Rock, and my Redeemer (Ps.19:14). Verse 5. Father God, You have completely covered me with your protection, given me wisdom and help me to choose to walk in that protection. You are the Rock on which I stand (Ps.19:14); You go before me and sift out my path (Ps.139:3); You are my Rear Guard and have laid Your hand on me: You have shut me in; (Ps.139:5). Thank You, for your watchful care over me! Verse 6. Father, Your infinite knowledge and all Your attributes are completely incomprehensible to me. If I were able to attain all the knowledge in the world I could never reach the fathoms of Your knowledge. It is too high for me, and too deep – it is unfathomable! Verses 7.-12. Your presence is always with me. If I wanted to I could not hide anywhere, but You would already be there before me. On the other hand, what a wonderful thought that Your presence is with me in the high heavens; in the uttermost part of the sea; and even in the grave, You have always been there because You are omnipresent, and I am never alone! Even in Satan’s darkness (deceit) You are there and You see and You know how Satan works. You see all, whether in physical darkness or spiritual darkness. Thank You that all of Satan’s deceit is completely seen by You, because You are complete Light (Jn.1:4-9)! You have promised that You will never leave me nor forsake me, never, no never, no never (Heb.13:5)! When I trust in Jesus as my Savior, You deliver me out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness into Your kingdom of Light (Truth) (Col.1:13). I can know the Truth about Jesus and Satan, and that Truth will set me free from the blindness and bondage of Satan’s darkness and deceit. Verse 13. God, You created each of us in our mother’s womb; each with our own abilities and those we think are disabilities. But, You created each of us with a purpose and a plan, a plan for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give us a hope in our final outcome (Jer.29:11 Amp.). As I think about my creation from conception through birth, I have to agree with You, God, and praise You for You are awesome and wonderful, and for the awesome wonder of my birth. You saw me when I was being formed in secret and curiously worked as if embroidered with various colors – what a mystery! You gave me gifts and abilities all my own. There in my mother’s womb You saw me and in Your book of my life all my days were written before even one took place. Father, I pray You will help me to always follow Your plan for my life. Verses 17-18. Father, how marvelous to think that Your thoughts are precious and weighty toward me. O God! How vast is the sum of them, they are too many to be numbered. They would be more in number than the sand of the sea. If I could number them, and started now, I would count into eternity and still not finish counting. Then I would awake in heaven with You. How incomprehensible that You could love me that much! How can it be? Amazing love! How can it be that You my God should love me so. Verses 23-24. Father, since I am so blind to many of my own sins, I pray that You will “Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try & test me, and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Is it any wonder that this has been my favorite Psalm since I was a very young teenager who discovered the Truth of God’s love toward me through this Psalm. And this love is not just toward me but to all people! How could anyone spurn such love?)

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