Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Light

We learn from Genesis 1:3-5 that God created “light.” It was this same Creator God Who has shone in our hearts so as to beam forth the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ the Messiah (II Cor.4:6 Amp.). Light is a wonderful thing. It causes life to grow, and enhances health. In businesses and in education they have proven that having natural light in the workplace and classrooms improves standardized test scores. It eliminates common distractions, and makes students more efficient. Natural light improves health and growth, and natural light is completely free of charge. Life would not exist without natural light, and people are much more alert, positive and happier with natural light. Spiritual Light has the same effect on mankind, which last forever. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, turn from our sins, we come out of the spiritual darkness we have lived in all our lives, and come into the Light of Jesus (II Cor.4:6). . Jesus is the Light of the world (Jn.1:4,9). Coming into the Light makes us a new person, and the old has passed away (II Cor. 5:17). Jesus said of Himself, “I am the only way, the only Truth, and the only Life-giver; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jn.14:6). God’s Life reveals truth, and followed truth brings wisdom (Prov.3:21-26). The formula for Godly wisdom: Light = Revelation = Wisdom. We live in the midst of a lot of trees and on a lake, which is a perfect habitat for a lot of different kinds of snakes, including 4 poisonous kinds. It would be foolish for us to go outside at night without a light and a weapon of some kind with us so if we were to see a snake we could protect ourselves from it. That is the wise thing to do. The illumination from the light reveals the truth of any danger on the path. This truth gives us revelation knowledge and the wisdom to protect ourselves. Jesus is the True Light Who came to earth to live as a man to illumine our hearts to the Way we should live; to the Truth of Who He is and how we could receive eternal Life. His light has shown the Truth that while we were born sinners and needed a Savior. And Christ loved us while we were still sinners, died for us (Rom.5:8). Can we reject this Light, this Truth, and this Life? To accept Him is the only wise thing to do! Godly wisdom leads us out of darkness into His wonderful Light (Prov.). Jesus is the Light, and His light will shine more and more to the perfect day (Prov.4:18). By accepting this Light and Truth, we are illuminated with this same Light, and become “the light of the world, a city set on a hill” (Matt.5:14). Charles Stanley said, “The truly wise people of this world are those who have accepted the truth and bent their spirit – and their knees – before the Lord.” God’s Light reveals His Truth and results in conviction and Godly wisdom to choose His eternal Life! My Blog Address is:

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