Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Mighty One Is Here

September 6, 2011 “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One will save. He will rejoice over you with joy and singing! (Zephaniah 3:17) Zephaniah 3:17 tells us that this Almighty God is in our midst and He will save from all that would harm us, if we trust Him as our Lord, and believe in Him to save us. That same Mighty One hears the righteous when we call on Him and delivers us out of all our troubles. (Psalm 4:3; 34:17). It is “woe” to those who will not recognize the Lord as God and know that He is mighty and willing to save when His children call; and to think that He rejoices over us with joy and singing! WOW! (not woe) There are “woes” in the Bible which are “expressing grief,” and we need to take note of them. In Isaiah 31:1, it is saying how sad and grievous it is to go to, and trust in “strong” governments and powerful armaments for our help and protection when it is only the Lord God Almighty Who can save. This verse reminds me of where America is in relation to trusting in our strong military might and powerful weapons. Our government is strong and our military power is the greatest on earth, but those are not what will save us in perilous times. Unless we turn back to trusting in the Almighty God for our strength and protection we will fall, we will become as all other nations who have forgotten God. I grew up in the 40’s & 50’s when “super heroes” were plentiful. Superman was a favorite even before we had television, then we listened to his exciting drama on the radio (I am old). Any villain or perilous situation did not ever prevail against the indomitable strength of the “man of steel” who could “leap tall buildings in a single bound, he was faster than a speeding bullet, he was more powerful than a locomotive.” But Superman had an “Achilles heel” – Kryptonite. When in the presence of kryptonite he became weak as a kitten. He proved that there wasn’t any perfect super hero. The days of super heroes are gone, except there is One Who will never become weak or helpless. He has no “Achilles heel.” He is the Almighty Jehovah God Who will never go away! He is almighty in power, knowledge and wisdom. He is forever present with us and He is everlasting. The Mighty One Is Here! His might is not to be compared with any super hero. He is far beyond any hero worship – He is God and we should worship Him now and throughout all eternity because He is worthy to receive all of our honor, glory and praise. Let’s begin worshipping Him here and now because the Mighty One is here now, and will do abundantly above all we could ask or imagine, according to the power of our faith that works in us” (Eph.3:20). He does not grow weary or faint, or go away on vacation, or is indifferent to our needs, spirit, soul or body. So be thankful because The Might One Is Here! Nothing Is Impossible Eugene L. Clark Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God; Nothing is impossible when you’re trusting in His Word. Hearken to the voice of God to thee; “Is there anything too hard for Me?” Then put your trust in God alone and rest upon His Word – For everything, O everything, Yes, everything is possible with God!

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