Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"A" - "Amnesty "

Our entire nation is aware of the illegal-alien travesty. There are many varying opinions causing many questions, and some think they have the perfect answer – amnesty. These illegal aliens have broken the law and deserve punishment (whatever the law decides is right and fair). The word amnesty means, “pardon.” Should these criminals be pardoned? When Jesus came into the world it was as a tiny innocent baby. His purpose in coming to earth was to ultimately “pardon” all who would come believing and trusting in His shed blood, which He would gladly give – “whosoever will” (John 3:16). This act of unfathomable love was a free gift to humanity, no strings attached, simply by receiving it. Not having to work to be good enough; not having to keep score of all the good works we might do; but simply to just receive this so great pardon – for which it has already been paid. Amnesty is a wonderful word to that one who is destined to die without a pardon. Could Jesus as this tiny baby could have known His destiny as “The Savior of the world?” Could He have known that He was “the gift” of amnesty to all mankind (if only they would believe)? I am sure in that baby’s mind was only the need for food from His mother, clothing and shelter, which His earthy father provided, a crude stable with a manger, which probably still had straw in it where the cattle had been eating. Without hesitation this Mighty God chose to come from the grandeur of heaven to enter into a defenseless baby to give Himself as an “Amnesty gift.” He saw that we were rebellious sinners that needed the pardon that only He could give. When we accept this gracious gift we become children of God and bona fide citizens of heaven. We can go boldly right to the throne of God presenting our petitions for pardon, guidance, protection or any need we may have, all because we have accepted this amnesty so freely offered, and Jesus Christ Himself will be our Advocate to plead for our pardon. Thank You, Jesus, for coming to offer us “AMNESTY,” and we can be genuine citizens eternally, because we have been born-again into the family of God!

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