Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Cost of Discipleship - "How We Should Then Live" - Part 4 - Intentionally
“And let fall some handfuls on purpose.” (Ruth 2:16)
One of my favorite radio programs is, “Intentional Living,” on Bott Radio Network. It is a teaching program with a different twist. A trained, Christian psychologist is the host and concentrates on a central topic for the day, all designed to teach how living intentionally as a way of life is the only way for a Christian to be an over-comer in this troubled world. He talks with people calling in with either a problem or how they solved their problem by being intentional in solving their problem.
Webster defines intention as, “determining to act in a certain way, to voluntarily act with purpose.” To act intentionally is to act with the will. Many people, even Christians, don’t seem to know their purpose in life so how can they live intentionally to fulfill their purpose. The Westminster Shorter Catechism says our purpose is “To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We as Christians must live intentionally in thought, word and deed to glorify God and by so doing we will enjoy Him forever. The wisest man to ever live said in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks, so is he,” – in other words, we become what we think about. An old adage says, “Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character.” So what our character has become all started with our thought-life. Have we been intentional in thinking on those things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, kind, virtuous and excellent, (Phil.4:8)?
Our intentionality in our thoughts determines the way we will act. “Even a child is known by his acts, whether or not they are pure and right” (Prov.20:11). Whether our acts are pure and right, or not, will display what kind of thoughts we have been thinking. Repeated acts in the same direction build a habit that will develop our character. How are you known?
What about being intentional with our words? In James 3: 8-11 it talks about the words that comes out of our mouth – blessings and cursings – “this ought not to be.” Our words will eventually show our true self. Verse 8 says the tongue can’t be tamed – whatever is in our thoughts will eventually come out our mouths. It is impossible to consistently speak evil and unkind words and have pure and righteous thoughts and do kind and righteous deeds (vs.11-12). Someone has said, “Preach the gospel and when necessary use words.” I have also heard the saying, “Your actions speak so loud that I can’t hear what you are saying.”
So we must have a daily check on our intentionality in our thoughts, words and deeds. We must live with a purpose to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Boaz left “handfuls on purpose” for Ruth (Ruth 2:16). Boaz purposed and lived with intentionality and was a picture of Christ when he acted “on purpose” with kindness, beneficence, hospitality and he became a kinsman redeemer and husband to Ruth. Because of Boaz’s intentionality his and Ruth’s lives turned into a beautiful love story.
Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the king’s food and drink. God honored his intentionality with knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom, also, gave him understanding in all kinds of visions and dreams and favor with the king (Daniel 1:8).
One of Jesus’ purposes was to “undo the works of the devil” (I Jn.3:8). Another of His purposes was to give us abundant life (Jn.10:10). Jesus' every deed was done with intentionality. The Father has purposes for each of us, “welfare and peace, not for evil, and hope in our final outcome” (Jer.29:11). We should find those purposes and intentionally pursue them.
If we truly want to “glorify” God in our lives we must determine to live intentionally for God. That is the only way to glorify God and to forever enjoy Him, and life! It costs us to be a Disciple of Christ. It cost us everything – our will, our plans, our dreams, our talents, our hopes – our complete dying to self and submitting our all to Christ and to walk intentionally in the plans and toward the goal He has set for us. The only way to be happy is to trust His purpose and intentionally obey.
(Three years ago I wrote a blog on “Intentional Living,” from which I used a lot of the material in this teaching.)
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