Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Discipline of Knowing How We Should Then Live - Part 2 - By Walking In The Spirit

The Discipline of Knowing How We Should Then Live Part 2 – By Walking in the Spirit My prayer is that each of you who are reading or studying these writings will be committed to the Truth. The Word is the Truth and those who walk in that Truth will be disciplined by It – either being trained by It in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, word or deed), reproved by It, corrected of error by It, challenged by It, convicted of sin by It, comforted by It, or strengthened by It – and if you “hide” Its words in your heart and walk in them, It will accomplish all of the above disciplines, since all of the Words (the scriptures) were God breathed (given by His inspiration) by the Holy Spirit (II Tim.3:16). God’s Word shall not return to Him useless, but it shall accomplish that which He pleases and purposes, and it shall prosper in the thing for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11). There was an old Chinese Christian man, by the name of, Watchmen Nee, who wrote a book called, “Walk, Stand and Sit.” Using the First Psalm he was encouraging and teaching how the Christian who wanted to “walk in the Spirit” by using his only offensive weapon, the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, could do so and be blessed by “not” walking in the flesh. The first verse reads, “Blessed is the man who walks and lives 'not' in the counsel of the ungodly (following their advice, their plans and purposes), “nor” stands (submissive and inactive) in the path where sinners walk, “nor” sits down to relax and rest where the scornful and mockers gather” (Amp). In verse two and three the Psalmist further tells us the “how tos” of the one who chooses to “walk in the spirit.” He delights in the Law of the Lord and he obediently walks in them; and on His Law he habitually meditates, ponders and studies by day and by night. This delighting in, meditating on and obeying God’s Word causes him to be like a tree firmly planted and tended by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither or fade; and everything he does shall prosper and come to maturity, because the Lord knows the way of those who are righteous and “walking in the Spirit.” God will cause that one who is wielding the Sword of the Spirit to rejoice in all things, whatever tribulation may come his way, because he is following this three-fold directive of how to walk, stand and sit triumphantly in the Spirit.” When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we received the package deal – the whole ball of wax. We became a child of the Father God; Jesus became our Advocate to the Father, our elder brother and fellow heir; and the Holy Spirit came to live in us to comfort, teach, guide and lead us into all Truth. It easy to read what God’s Word says about how to “walk in the Spirit,”, but harder to appropriate that Truth, because we are constantly battling our flesh. “The flesh” is the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit. Our flesh is at war with our spirit – always wanting its way and pleasing itself; therefore, we must accept the sacrifice of Jesus, Who came in the guise of sinful flesh and since God condemned sin in the flesh, we must daily “put to death” (depriving it of its power) the things of the flesh, and be controlled by the Holy Spirit (Rom.8:3-4 Amp.). We can choose which god we follow – the god of this world or the Almighty, Infinite, Sovereign God. To “Walk in the Spirit” or to “walk in the flesh” is a choice. We must be intentional in every situation presented us. The Word of God gives us clear choices of how to “Walk in the Spirit.” II Cor. 4:2 admonishes us to renounce disgraceful ways of secret thoughts, feelings, desires and underhandedness and to deal craftily.” Ephesians 2:2 tells us that since we were made alive in Christ we should not walk in the old ways of following the course and fashion of this world when we were under the sway of the tendency of this present age and following the prince of the power of the air and under his control to cause us to be disobedient, rebellious, unbelieving and to go against the purposes of God. We are to “put off” all those ways and “put on” Christ and His ways (Eph.4:22-24). We should walk in the fear of the Lord (Acts 9:31). Galatians 5:16 tells us that “If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” We are to walk in newness of life (Rom.6:4), remember, Christ made us a new creation, old things have passed away and everything has become new (II Cor.5:17) – new nature, new name, and new song - walk like it! Every morning before we start our day we should purpose to “walk in the Spirit.” So we intentionally put on the full armor of God (Eph.6:10-18), then stand against all the wiles of the flesh, the world and the devil, because our weapons of our warfare are not physical, but they are mighty before God to the destruction of strongholds (II Cor.10:4) So we must tighten the Belt of Truth, which protects our integrity. Think the Truth, speak the Truth, act in Truth and fight Satan with the Truth and He will flee from you (as Jesus did when He was tempted (Mt.4:1-11). If we are not walking with the Belt of Truth tightly fastened around us, our innermost being (our heart) is not protected. And the enemy can deceive us and lead us astray, and cause us to trip over his lies, fall into his pits of temptation, and ensnare us with the bonds of sin, and we in turn will then live a lie. So we must know the Truth and the Truth will set us free (Jn.8:32). What is Truth? God’s Word is Truth. All of God’s Word is True, It is the Truth. It is not just moral guidelines, but more, it is eternal absolutes. Truth is our compass to points us in the right direction. At one time America and the western world were called “Christian.” But by our countries rejecting the Truth of God’s Word as the moral compass and spiritual Truth we should follow, we have fallen into the pit of moral tolerance – the new morality – situational ethics – whatever feels good, do it. It has become “politically correct” to be tolerant of anything, no matter how far askew from the Truth of God’s Word the situation might be. We need only to look around us at how moral Truth has, in the minds of people, been diluted and compromised. Of course Truth cannot really be diluted or compromised because the moment someone tries to compromise the Truth, it is no longer is Truth. Truth is pure and holy and cannot be changed nor can it be abolished. It does not wear out or become old fashioned. Psalm 100:5 says “His Truth endures to all generations.” If Christians aren’t willing to stand for the Truth, who will? If Christians aren’t willing to stand for the Truth now, when is the time? If Christians aren’t willing to stand for the Truth here in free America, where could we? Are you walking in the Truth? Are you standing for the Truth here and now (even sometimes alone)? To “walk in the Spirit” is to walk in Truth and completely yield and commit all that you are to Him. It is to “walk” intentionally, with God’s purpose before us (which is spelled out in His Word). Also to “walk in the Spirit” we put on the helmet of salvation. When we are saved God gives us the “mind of Christ.” To keep it pure and right we must fill our minds with the Word and the things of God. Philippians 4:8 says, “Whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things and fix your minds on them” (Amp.). To “walk in the Spirit” we must be intentional in what we put in our minds. You have heard the old saying, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop,” this is true. Satan does his work starting in our minds, so we must “take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ” (II Cor.10:5). Remember the old adage I have quoted many times, and I think it is appropriate here, also. Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Next, we must put on the Breastplate of Righteousness (integrity). It covers and protects your heart and your right standing with God. There is an old gospel song which tells what righteousness is all about. It says, “Nothing between my soul and my Savior, So that His blessed face may be seen. Nothing preventing the least of His favor. Keep the way clear! Let nothing between” (Tindley). To keep the way clear no known sin against the Father goes unconfessed, because “when we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I Jn.1:9). Sin does not break our relationship with Christ but it does break our fellowship with Him. Confession restores our fellowship with Christ and keeps us in “good standing” with Him. Make sure you are prompt and ready to walk in Peace with everyone so they will listen to the “gospel” through your life of peace. “Preach the gospel and when necessary use words” (Francis of Assisi). Peace is not just the absence of turmoil but it is the rest of the spirit when there is turmoil all around. I read about an artist who won first prize for his painting entitled, “Peace.” It was a picture of a nest of baby birds and their mother located on a small ledge of a rock, which was a part of a massive boulder. Above and in front of the boulder was a cascading waterfall, but the birds felt secure hidden in the cleft of the rock. All around was possible disaster for them, but the mother had them hidden safely in her care. What a perfect picture of the peace we can have when we are hidden with Christ, although the world is chaotic all around us. In Him we can have perfect peace. Also, cover yourself completely with the Shield of Faith, because the enemy, Satan, will be shooting many and myriad flaming missiles of doubt, fear and temptation to destroy your testimony, your witnessing power, and your fellowship with Jesus. “Faith is the confirmation (the title deed) of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the ” (Heb.11:1 Amp.). “We walk by faith not by sight” (II Corinthians 5:7), and “without faith it is impossible to please God”(Heb.11:6). And last of all, before, throughout and after the battle with the enemy, PRAY for yourself and for your fellow soldiers at all times, on every occasion, and with all manner of prayer (adoring & praising God for Who He is, confessing your sins, thanking God for what He has done and what He is going to do, and beseeching God in supplication for yours and others’ needs)! By daily putting on the full armor of God you can victoriously “walk in the Spirit.” “And above all these put on and walk in love, as Christ has loved us and gave Himself as an offering to God as a sweet smelling savor” (Colossians 3:14, Ephesians 4:2), . Love is the summon bonum – “the supreme good from which all others are derived.” If we walk in love (which is the Greatest Commandment), we will fulfill all other “walks” to which we are called. 3.

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