Friday, November 18, 2011

God's Commitment To Us

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers.” (I Peter:3:12)

When we fall in love we want to be with that person, we want to commit our self to him/her. If that love is reciprocated we expect him/her to commit himself to us by marriage – promising “for better or worse, in sickness or health, until death do us part.” Marriage should mean total commitment for both parties – commitment to meeting their needs, body, soul and body, as much as possible.

God is committed to the righteous – those in right standing with Him. We all know that God is love and a big part of that love is total commitment. God’s love toward us is a perfect example as to how to be totally committed. I Peter 3:12 tells us how God is watching with His “eyes” our every move and seeing our needs, spirit, soul and body. “His ears are open to our prayers.” He desires and invites us to come boldly to Him, in His name, Jesus, in prayer. Coming “in the name of Jesus” is acknowledging His active presence with us in our situation and His name is a revelation of Who He is. The name, Jesus means, “Savior, Lord,” He is committed to and active in “saving” the righteous from our sins and in our every situation in life. We must just call on His name, Jesus, and He is committed to answer. “Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,” (Romans 10:13 ).

God is always listening for our prayers of adoration (praising and expressing our love for Him); confession (confessing our sins & failures so we can be cleansed, I John 1:9; Ps.51:17); thanksgiving – (thanking God is simply acknowledging all we are and all we have, all He has done for us, have come from His loving hand and His outstretched arm, (Jeremiah 27:5, His outstretched arm signifies His mighty power), remember the Arm and Hammer logos of a muscular arm – signifying power and strength? And last of all, the Father is always listening for our supplications. He knows we are weak, helpless and completely needy children (we are but dust) and He delights in answering our cries of supplication to Him. He is the Source of supply for all of our needs; His mighty hand is not shortened so He cannot reach us (Isaiah 59:1). He is Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider. Whether by the Lord’s eyes that are always upon the righteous; or by His ears that are always open to our prayers; or by His outstretched arm that is strong to save us; or by His
Mighty hand that is able to rescue us; or by His holy and wonderful name that has the power to save us; we can rest secure in His loving commitment to us.

O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me.Underneath me, all around me, is the current of His love.Leading onward, leading homeward, to my glorious rest above.(S. Trevor Francis)

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