Friday, April 26, 2013

Letter To A Loved One Facing Death

April 6, 2013 The letter below is written to one we love who is facing death and we are not sure of his salvation; and all those who have once known God and have walked away from Him; and to those who desire to “know” God and have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Sometimes we have to be facing death before we stop in “the far country” and come to ourselves and acknowledge we need a Savior. Jesus is the only answer; the only hope; the only Savior. As the lady says on the diet advertisement, “We just can’t do it on our own.” Jesus did it all on the cross – our debt to Him is paid – just accept! Read and meditate on all the scriptures I have noted, claiming every promise, then prayer those promises back to the Father. God sent His Word to heal (spirit, body and soul – mind, will & emotions) (Ps.107:20). His Word is Truth and it will set you free. We were so sad to hear that you have been diagnosed with throat cancer. The name “cancer” brings fear to everyone’s heart, but we know a name that is above every name and at that name every knee must bow, on earth, in heaven above and underneath the earth – that name is “Jesus” (Phil.2:9). I have been interested in the names of God for sometime, and by studying and learning their meanings it has strengthened my faith so much and has brought me so much joy and peace knowing that He is all-powerful, all knowing, always present, all merciful and forever loving. By getting to know His names my faith has been strengthened and my love for Him has grown. By proving His love I have learned that He is forever faithful to keep His word. In good times and bad times I have found that if I wait on Him and trust in His character I find He will do everything right in my life. His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts the way we think, but if we will “wait” on Him (Isa.40:31), He will make all things beautiful in His time (Eccl.3:11). As someone has said, “Let the main thing be the main thing.” I have found in my 76 years (70 of those years I have walked with Jesus as my best friend), that the main thing is: whether it is good things happening, or bad things happening, to have Jesus ruling my heart (my plans, my hopes & dreams, my decisions, etc. – all of my life), then I can be at peace and thank Him because He will make all things work out for my good (whether it is how, where or when I wanted it done) (Rom.8:28). God is a good God and He loves us with an everlasting love that will not change. We cannot sin enough to make Him love us any less, nor can we do enough good things to make Him love us any more. “God is love,” He cannot help but love us. Love is His essence, His very DNA. He may not love the sinful things we do but sin cannot separate us from His love. Sin may separate us from His fellowship, but never from His love. Remember the story of the Prodigal Son? (Read Luke 15:11-32) This is a perfect picture story depicting the love of God for His children. Read how the younger son rebelled against his father, asking for his part of the inheritance. He ran away into a “far” country, wasted his fortune in reckless and loose living. And when he had spent all his fortune he fell upon hard times and was in want. He forced himself upon one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed hogs. He became so hungry that he filled his belly with the husks the hogs were eating. Then he came to himself and said to himself, “How many hired servants of my father have enough food, and even food to spare, but I am (dying) here of hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I am not worthy to be called your son: just make me like one of your hired servants.” So he got up and went home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity and tenderness for him (his Father had been waiting and watching for him; and he ran and embraced him and kissed him (fervently). The son tried to give his prepared speech of remorse and repentance, but the father said to his bond servant, ‘Bring quickly the best robe (the festive robe of honor, Zech.3:4) and put it on him, my son; and give him a ring on his hand (showing family relationship), and sandals on his feet (showing he is a son, not a servant or a beggar).’ And then they had a grand party – because the son who was lost was found, and he who was considered dead is now alive.” This is my story and your story, all mankind’s story. God created each of us to have fellowship with us, but Satan tempted, man fell from God’s fellowship, then all mankind was born with a fallen, sinful nature which only through the “work” (the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ became the perfect sacrifice for our sins that bridged that impassable chasm that separates us (the sinful) from God the Father (the pure and perfect), and restores us back into fellowship with the Father. Although Satan may have taken us down many a crooked road and into deep pits and now facing a dark valley, it takes only one step toward “home” and the Father, and He will run to meet you, embrace and kiss you, give you back that clean “robe of righteousness,” (you soiled the original one by living in the mud in the “pig pen.”) He will place the family crested ring on your finger which says, “Child of the King,” and wash and clean your feet from the dirt and mire of the world and put clean shoes on your feet so you can walk in the “paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Ps.23:3). Satan may whisper in your ear that you are not worthy to be called, “a child of God,” (none of us are worthy), but by virtue in our faith in the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all sin, we are restored to that relationship – (we never ceased being the Father’s child, that is an eternal relationship), we just broke that fellowship by “going into the far country.” I John 5:11-13 assures us that we can know God has given us eternal life because that life is in His Son (I Jn.5:11-13 (Amp.). He who has the Son has life; He who has not the Son has not life. We “have” the Son by simply trusting in Him to be the “only way to the Father,” the only Truth, and the only way to Life – because He is the Life – Life eternal. We don’t know the end result of your diagnosis, but we do know that “nothing is too hard for God (Gen.18:4). Our days are numbered so if He has given you more days you will be healed to praise God. He created you and loves you with an everlasting love (Ps.100:5). His love is full of grace and mercy. Grace is God’s gift of favor to us that we do not deserve. His mercy is God’s restrained justice that we do deserve. He will never leave you nor forsake you – never (Heb.13:5c)! Please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers and any time you would like to call we would be most happy to talk with you. Feel free to e-mail if that would be easier. Enclosed also are some of the “names of God.” Study God’s Word – it will strengthen your faith, and you will learn the greatness of all of His attributes and His love for you. We love you and have always loved you, and you will be in our thoughts and prayers. But remember, God the Father loves you more than any human could! Names of God Adonai – “YHWH, LORD, Master, Sovereign” – Neh.1:1,5, Gen.4:16; Isa.42:8; 48:11 El means “God” in Hebrew El Elyon – “The God most high, King of kings, The strongest strong One, the Maker of heaven and earth” – Jer.33:2; Ps. 27:1; Gen 14:18-22, El Ohim – YHWY God – “strong, faithful, covenant keeping God” universal creator” El Roi – “The God Who sees” – Gen.16:13-14 El Shaddai – “Almighty God, All Sufficiency” – Gen.28:3 El Emunah – “The One Who Is - Faithful and True” – Rev.19:11 El Ohim-Mishpot – “God is Just” – Isa.45:21; Zeph.3:5; Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 El Ohim-Selichat – “The God of Forgiveness” – Ps.99:8; 86:5 Jehovah – LORD or GOD – “The self-existent One Who reveals Himself” in The Redemptive Names of Deity Jehovah-Rohi – “Shepherd, guide, provider, protector, friend, and deliverer – (Ps.23; Isa.40:11; Jn.10:11) Jehovah-Shalom – “Prince of Peace” – (Isa.9:6; Heb.13:20-21; Isa.26:3 Jehovah-Tsidkenu – “Our Righteousness” – Jer.33:16; 23:6 Jehovah-M ‘Kaddish – “The Lord Who Sanctifies you” – Lev.20:7-8 Jehovah-Jireh – “My Provider” - Ex.15:26 Jehovah-Nissi – “My Banner (of victory) – Ex.17:15 Jehovah-Shammah – “God is there” – Jer.42:11; Matt.28:20; John 14:16 Jehovah-Saboath – “The Lord of Hosts” – Ps.24:10; Isa.51:15; Joshua 5:14-15; Zech.4:6; Miscellaneous Names of God or Jesus Word of God – Rev.19:13; John 1:1,14 Word of Truth – Jas.1:18 The Rock – Duet.32:4 32:4; Isa.51:1, I Cor.10:4 Fountain of Living Water – Jer. 17:13: John 4:14 Sun of Righteousness – Isa.49:9 Wonderful Counselor – Isa.9:6 Everlasting Father – Isa.9:6: 40:28; Rom.16:26; Gen.21:33 Our Hiding Place – Ps. 32:7 Our Strong Tower – Prov.18:10 King of Israel – John 1:49; 12:13; Matt.2:2; Morning Star – II Peter 1:19 The God of all Comfort – II Cor.1:3-5 Sovereign – Ps. 22:28 Refuge – Duet.33:27; S.S. 2:4 Eleezer – “God is Help” – Ex.18:4 Advocate – John 14:16 I Am – John 14:13 Spirit of Truth – John 14:17 Rewarder – Heb.11:6 The Immutable (Unchangeable) God – Jas.1:17; eccl. 3:14; Ps.33:11; 102:27; Mal.3:6; Heb.13:5, 8 The Chief Cornerstone – Eph.2:20; Acts 4:1 (There are many more – find them for yourself. Believe and meditate on their meaning. It will strengthen your faith).

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