Monday, May 2, 2011

Complete Satisfaction

“Satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!”
(Psalm 90:14)

Upon contemplating our move to Texas as young parents of three, we went by the way of Wendell’s parents in Arkansas to leave our two older children, Melody and Mark. Wendell and I took our youngest, Jennifer, with us as we went down to Marshall, Texas, to look for a place to live before moving the entire household down to Marshall, Texas. It was the first time to leave any of our children, for any length of time, away from us, even with grandparents. We had planned to take a couple days in Texas looking for a house and then back to Oklahoma to pack before going to retrieve our children in Arkansas.

Although it had only been a few days since we had seen each other, Mark became very dissatisfied and crying for us. Not only did the children get homesick but, “Mama” (I) got lonesome to see our two missing ‘chicks.’ To try to satisfy the homesick child Granny Jones gave Mark a big piece of cheese to eat, which she knew was his favorite snack. The cheese helped, for the moment, but it wasn’t long before the fussing began again. It so happened, that about that time, in the midst of our packing, we called to talk with our children, whom I was missing terribly. And after hearing Mark’s distraught crying for us we decided to leave our packing and go to Granny’s to bring Melody and Mark back to be with us. After calling right back to let Granny know of our decision and relaying this message to Mark, his crying stopped, a smile appeared and he responded to Granny with a smile, “Now I am completely satisfied.” All he needed to be satisfied was to know he was going to get to be with his mommy and daddy again, soon.

As a young child, then teenager and then an adult, I too found the only thing that “satisfied” me was to talk with my “Father” and read His love letters to me and all His promises. He tells me and shows me how much He loves me, and all His wonderful promises to me about how He will never leave me nor forsake me; about how he will provide for my every need; and especially about the home He is preparing for me with Him in heaven. I have been and will always be ”homesick” for my home He is preparing for me in heaven. I want to see His face and hear from His lips His words of love. After reading about and believing all this love and all these promises, I am “satisfied.” But I won’t be “completely satisfied” until I will be home in heaven with Jesus, my Lord, Savior and Friend.

In the story of the prodigal son who chose to take his inheritance; left his home and foolishly spent his inheritance. He ended up in a pigpen eating pig food. Then he came to his right mind and decided to go home to his Father. The things of this world never satisfy the spiritual longings of the heart, but in his Father’s house he was “completely satisfied” (Luke 15:11-32).

Just as our child who was separated from his parents could never be “completely satisfied” (even with a piece of cheese) until he was with his mother and father and hear their voices and feel their touch, we can never be “completely satisfied” until we come home to the Father. I will be “satisfied” only if I live close to Jesus as long as the Father leaves me here on this earth, because “In Your presence there is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11)!

Clara Teare

All my life long I had panted for a draught from some cool spring,
That I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within.

Feeding on the husks around me, till my strength was almost gone,
Longed my soul for something better, only still to hunger on.

Poor I was, and sought for riches, something that would satisfy,
But the dust I gathered round me only mocked my soul’s sad cry.

Well of water, ever springing, Bread of life, so rich and free,
Untold wealth that never faileth, My redeemer is to me .

Hallelujah! I have found Him Whom my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies my longings; through His blood I now am saved.

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