Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why Jews Are Hated

Wendell started an "Israel Support" group to which I am a part. Each member chose a topic from a list on which to make a report. I chose, "Why Jews Are Hated." The following is my report. There was a lot of information on the internet so that is where I gleaned most of this. With all this information (and there was more, but too much to put in this time-limited report), I still don't understand how true believers, who have the love of God within them, and knowing Jesus Christ was a Jew, could hate them and be anti-Semitic. I thought this information may be of interest to you. This is in outline form to help in my presentation.

I. The Primary reason
A. Because they are God’s chosen people to serve Him, bear
the Savior and spread the Gospel.
1. Even though they rebelled against God, He has set them
aside until the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled
(Luke 21:24).
a. The nation of Israel will suffer persecution, killings
and defeat in war until the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
b. God has turned to the Gentiles to preach the Gospel to
the world, to provoke the Jews to jealousy (Romans
c. Sadly, most Jews today are Christ-rejecting followers
of Judaism, but they are still God’s chosen people.
Being chosen doesn’t entitle them to special treatment,
or a guaranteed ticket to Heaven. Jesus taught
Nicodemus, “You must be born again to enter into the
kingdom of God” (John 3:1-7). There is only one plan
of salvation given by God to man, and it is the same
for Gentile and Jew alike (Acts 4:10-12, John 3:16-17).
God never promised to bless Israelites today who reject
and disobey Him (Deut. 28).
d. Satan nature is to hate and he hates God’s chosen,
because they are the object of God’s promise of the
Messiah (Savior) of the world (Gen.3:15; 12:3; &
throughout the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments).
He hates them because God loves them so much.
(1)Satan hates God and, therefore, all of God’s people
because they are the object of God’s love and eternal
promises. He supposes he can crush God’s plans. If
we have not been born again our old nature will be
predominate and we can easily hate.
(2) Because Satan hates God’s human creation, he tries to
deceive them by influencing them to think God’s chosen,
the Jewish people, are loved more than Gentiles. God
loves all men the same, with an unconditional love
(Romans 5:8; John 3:16); and that God respects the Jew
over the Gentile (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Gal.3:28).

II. The Jews are hated because of JEALOUSY. God has reached out to humanity through
the Jews. God could have chosen any other nation (Greeks, Romans, Germans,
Italians, etc.), but in His wisdom omniscience He chose the Israelites. If God had
chosen the Chinese to be the nation from which the Messiah would come, every other
nation would hate the Chinese. It is jealousy in the hearts of men that causes them to
hate God’s Chosen, the Jew.
A. People are jealous of the Jews because all the following came to mankind
through the nation of Israel:
1) The Messiah – Because of all the promises and blessings that came to the Jews
because of Jesus.
2) The Bible and The Ten Commandments brought the Law, and whether directly
or indirectly, they brought them guilt for their sins and made them aware they
were sinning, disobeying and displeasing God and they would pay the penalty for
that sin. The world hates the Jews because Israel gave the world a conscience
through the Law. They loved darkness rather than light (John 3:19; Isa.5:4).
3) God’s plan of redemption for mankind – God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah
55:8), and He is the omniscient, sovereign God and mankind’s rebellious heart
thinks God’s plan is too ‘simple,’ and are jealous because His plan came through
His chosen people, the Jews. It is God they world truly hates, because their
‘father’ is the deceiver, Satan, and has placed this jealousy and lies in their hearts.

4) Many people hate and are jealous of the Jews’ as a whole, because a small group
of elite Jews own and control the news media, Hollywood, the U.S. government,
the International Banking system and more and have great wealth and power; but
the Jewish people as a nation are not to blame.

III. Sad but true, Christians have often persecuted God’s people, mistakenly thinking they
were doing it for the cause of Christ. How tragic for both sides! For the Jews,
because they experienced unspeakable suffering and for Christians because they
invited curses in their own life and missed their chance to honor and love “the apple
of God’s eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10). Those who have persecuted Jews over the
centuries didn’t have the heart of God in the matter, after-all, Jesus was a Jew. To
the Jew hater this fact is abhorrent to them, but it is true. Could they be true
Christians and know the teachings of Jesus (Matt.22:39); or just be completely deceived
by Satan into believing the lies about the Jews? They certainly had not found the
“mind of Christ.”

A. Example in point – Martin Luther.
Martin Luther, who lived in the 16th century, restored a great truth to the Church – that salvation is by faith and not by works - yet he missed it entirely regarding the Jewish people. He wanted them annihilated and fueled persecution of Jews at that time. He was wrong but his influence down through the centuries following, sparked justification to men such as Hitler, who called himself ‘Christian,’ spewed his hatred in the Holocaust during World War II.

“So if men were inspired to despise God’s chosen people, who inspired them? Whose works are the works of hatred? Who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)? Satan and the powers of darkness are behind every act of anti-
Semitism. The word Semite is derived from the Hebrew word Shem, meaning Holy blessed name, referring to God Himself. Thus, to be anti-Semitic is to be anti-God! If the powers of darkness can get Christians to participate in anti-Semitic acts, they are all the happier. Unfortunately there are too many willing partners in kings, religious and political leaders and common men upon the earth. A Jew hater is a hater of God.”

“There have always been two ways to kill the Jews. First by killing the Jew when he refused forced conversion – Christian Crusaders; Inquisitions; Polish, Russian, Hungarian, English, French and Italian pogroms; North, Central and South American Inquisitions of the 1500s and 1800s; and the Nazi Holocaust.

Second is through corrupt doctrine:
a. Through forced indoctrination to cause Jews to assimilate into the local
national culture and to abandon the old God-given ways once they come to
Yeshua (Jesus).
b. With strong teachings against keep the Lord’s Sabbath, His Torah, His Holy
Instructions, calling them bondages, His Holy seasons, the Lord’s holidays of
Leviticus 23; His dietary and nutritional laws; against the Talmud and writings
of the fathers.”

“After 4,000 years later and still people get upset because we eat in a unique manner. We do not eat certain things because God instructed us not to eat any unclean animal. It is simple obedience. For that reason, millions of our people have been killed during all these years. When we come to see our blessed Messiah, Yeshua, the first thing we are asked by some in the churches is, ‘Now that you know Jesus Christ, why do you insist on following all the Old Testament commandments?’ How interesting that no one ever thought to ask, ‘What would have happened if all Jews had assimilated 2000 years ago?’ Would there be any Israel to return to in the end of days?” (by Haim Levi)

Born-again Gentiles are also called “GOD’S PEOPLE” (Gal.3:7-9,14,16,18 and 29).

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